Rank personality types from best to worst

1. Snooty
2. Lazy
3. Cranky
4. Sisterly (I find this a very varied personality type. Some I love, some I hate)
5. Normal
6. Smug
7. Peppy
8. Jock - the only personality type I just can’t tolerate. The muscle and sweat chat drives me nuts.
1. Smug - Can't help but love my fabulous guys. They go around acting like hot shots, but they're good guys with some funny dialogue like when Henry's "uncaring shell" cracked upon inspecting a Mom's teapot resulting in him needing a hug.

2. Peppy - I find quite a bit of their dialogue more interesting then others and feel they got a bit more meat on their bones. Them talking about late nighters watching horror movies, playing with some insect they named after themselves, or them eagerly waiting to buy a video game makes them have more traits than other personalities.

3. Snooty - I enjoy their high class lady vibes quite a bit, but I do find it weird how off putting they are to fellow villagers.

4. Jock - Their dialogue can feel repetitive, but I do like how welcoming, helpful, and endearing they are to you and the rest of the island. They are the type of guys that will lend you a hand without needing something in return.

5. Sisterly - I enjoy the more tough girl vibe of this personality, but I do question why they gave them such aggressive attitude on multiple conversations. Rocket was my Sisterly starter and her giving me attitude when trying to be nicer to her and talk to her more often really didn't help her case.

6. Lazy - Either I think of them as children and find it weird I somehow adopted someone's child on my deserted island or I consider them adults that have some very questionable dialogue. I heavily considered Lazy for #7, but at least the personality "not fitting" the villager isn't nearly as present as it is for Cranky for me.

7. Cranky - It's a fine personality in general, but the major flaw I find with it is how many Crankys don't really fit the old man dialogue. Static, Cyd, and Chief talking like they don't know what technology is very off putting. I really think they could of done better with a more "cool uncle" vibe instead of "confused grandpa" vibe since only a very few actually look old enough to play the part.

8. Normal - Personality? What's that?! They are super bland villagers with rather low self confidence. Most of their dialogue is as vanilla as it gets. I'm not sure I have ever been interested, amused, or shocked by anything they have said... even Pokemon local NPCs in towns have more interesting things to say. Lots of cute designs though.
I haven't seen anyone in this thread yet having the same personality ranking.

Mine only circles to peppy, normal, and snooty villagers. The rest are okay.

I dislike both jock and smug villagers. They are the bottom barrel for me.
1. Smug
2. Normal
3. Uchi
4. Cranky
5. Lazy
6. Snooty
7. Peppy

8. Jock

Goshhhh i hate jock villagers since new leaf. they're just so,,,, boring,,,,,..
8 All the
7 Personality types
6 Are great
5 And you
4 Can’t possibly
3 Expect me
2 To rank
1 Uchi
1. All personality types minus lazies.
8. Lazies.
For me it's

But I honestly enjoy all of them in their own way.
The Elite:
1- Smug: the epitome of "fake it 'till you make it", cute and hilarious.
2- Cranky: cute and very lovable once you raise your friendship with them, some of my all time favorite villagers are crankys.
3- Snooty: classy and soft vibe, the best girls.
4- Normal: your cottagecore bookworm best friend, a bit basic but always there for you.

The Mostly Cute Squad:
5- Peppy: adorable and energetic, but sometimes a bit self-absorbed and annoying (especially if their design looks kinda mean).
6- Lazy: can be very cute if the right villager, or just seem kinda off... (looking at you Nate)

The "Eh" crowd:
6- Jock: himbos, all of them. Nice but without much depth.
7- Sisterly: nothing wrong with them, I just always have other villagers I like more.
Depends on the game.

#1 - Lazy: They're all just cute happy boys who just wanna make everyone else happy too. Punchy <3
#2 - Snooty
#3 - Jock
#4 - Normal
#5 - Peppy
#6 - Cranky: Only ones I didn't really like, they're just pretty rude (even more than snooties) and impossible to fully warm up to.

NL and NH
#1 - Jock
#2 - Snooty
#3 - Sisterly
#4 - Lazy: They fell off from WIld World but I still love them
#5 - Peppy
#6 - Cranky
#7 - Normal: way, way above smug...

#8 - Smug: They're just super annoying and pretentious, I really don't like them... except for a select few, like Marshall and Lucha (thats it).
#1 Jock
#2 Normal
#3 Sisterly
#4 Smug
#5 Cranky
#6 Peppy
#7 Snooty
#8 Lazy
My rankings are actually very different in New Horizons as compared to New Leaf! I’d say:

1) smug
2) jock
3) peppy
4) sisterly
5) cranky
6) snooty
7) normal
8) lazy

I feel like they watered down the personalities so that more extreme ones like jock and peppy became my favorites, whereas old favorites like lazy and normal, which used to be comforting, now feel bland (also the weird rotting food thing). Smug dialogue got much better, more funny and self aware and much less flirty. Sisterly went the other way in my opinion—hands down my favorite in NL, but too likely to brush you off in NH regardless of friendship levels. They have some fantastic dialogue but it’s sadly buried.
it’s hard for me to rank all of them because I have a best girl/boy of each personality who I would do anything for, I don’t find any of them particularly annoying either. This is solely based on the number of favorites of each personality I have lol

#1 cranky
#2 lazy
#3 uchi
#4 smug
#5 snooty
#6 peppy
#7 jock
#8 normal
I don’t dislike any of the personalities, but based on the variety of personality types on my island, I would probably rank them:

1. Normal
2. Peppy
3. Sisterly
4. Jock
5. Cranky
6. Lazy
7. Snooty
8. Smug

My two favourite villagers are sisterly and peppy, but I usually have about 4 normal villagers and 2 peppy villagers on my island at any given time. 😊
1 - Jock
2 - Cranky
3 - Smug
4 - Peppy
5 - Uchi
6 - Normal
7 - Snooty
8 - Lazy

I don't really hate the lazies but man... they're so different from how they were like in NL. The way I think of them versus the way they act is too different, it's just not a good feeling.
1. Smug - the personality I like the best. Always interesting to know what they have to say. A lot if them have great designs too.
2. Lazy - sort of downgraded slightly because of the strange dialogue in NH
3. Sisterly - love them! If there were just more that had great designs they would be higher up.
4. Cranky - they are like the grandfathers I never had. Love the dialogue!
5. Peppy - pretty indifferent like I am with Normals. Some designs are excellent
6. Normal - very boring dialogue to me and indifferent like I am with Peppys. I like a lot of the designs but thats about it
7. Snooty - more tame than they were in NL but still dislike the pretentiousness of some of the dialogue
8. Jock - sorry all the muscles stuff gets really, really old after awhile
1) Cranky - they're hilarious and adorable 🥰

2) Peppy - I really vibe with their hyper-ness lmao

3) Snooty - I guess I just like the "mean" villagers XDD

4) Lazy - they're cute; the constant bug talk can get old though

5) Smug - they're fine, kinda overrated

6) Sisterly - the lecturing and aggressiveness can be a bit much...

7) Jock - non-stop workout talk 💀

8) Normal - they're just so boring and I generally dislike "goody-goody" characters
1: Lazy

2: Normal

3: Jock

4: Sisterly

5: Cranky

6: Smug

7: Peppy

8: Snooty