Rank personality types from best to worst

1. Jock
2. Smug
3. Lazy
4. Normal
5. Peppy
6. Snooty
7. Cranky
8. Sisterly

Most of my favorite villagers are jocks, I love them so much that I want to make an island full of them lol
1. normal
2. lazy
3. cranky
4. sisterly
5. peppy
6. snooty
7. jock
8. smug

kinda difficult to think about, i just love how caring the normal personality is. i used to dislike jocks a lot until i realized that my favorite villager is a jock (snake), he gets a free pass. and honestly, since nh, the smug personality really rubs me the wrong way, just not for me.
  1. Snooty
  2. Normal
  3. Sisterly
  4. Lazy
  5. Cranky
  6. Smug
  7. Peppy
  8. Jock
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1. Cranky
2. Snooty
3. Uchi
4. Normal
5. Smug
6. Lazy
7. Peppy
8. Jock
1. Peppy
2. Lazy
3. Sisterly
4. Normal
5. Snooty
6. Cranky
7. Smug
8. Jock
For me it's:

1. Normal
2. Cranky
3. Lazy
4. Peppy
5. Smug
6. Snooty
7. Sisterly
8. Jock

I really don't like jock villagers maybe because myself I don't like sport. And I don't like the way of speaking of Uchi villagers... Normal are really cute though. And crankies, even if they lost a little bit their old soul are still nice.
  1. Normal
  2. Jock
  3. Lazy
  4. Sisterly
  5. Peppy
  6. Smug
  7. Cranky
  8. Snooty
I have one of each personality in my town, except for the jocks and normals, which have two each.
1. Normal
2. Lazy
3. Smug
4. Cranky
5. Sisterly
6. Jock
7. Snooty
8. Peppy

I can’t handle peppy villagers, they’re just so annoying.
From best to worst for me:
  1. Cranky
  2. Peppy
  3. Snooty
  4. Lazy
  5. Smug
  6. Sisterly
  7. Jock
  8. Normal
I love Crankies and Peppies the most; Crankies are so adorable with their tough guy act and I relate to the Peppies hyperness and excitability 🤣
Least favorites are Jocks and Normals; Jocks are kind of one-note and I just really don't vibe with the Normals, they're so bland to me 😔
1. Normal
2. Cranky
3. Uchi
4. Snooty
5. Smug
6. Peppy
7. Lazy
8. Jock

Most of the personalities in New Horizons already feel kind of shallow in my opinion, but the bottom 3 in particular always felt very one-dimensional to me.
1. Lazy. Minus the whole bug thing, I find them relatable and also very adorable. You show my any lazy villager and I will want them, I don't care how ugly they are. They're basically me but made into Animal Crossing villagers.

2. Cranky. This... this is probably because my own father and grandfather are... not great. I will not be elaborating further.

3. Sisterly. They have Tori (from Heartstopper) vibes. I am in desperate need of an older sister figure... but I got stuck being the oldest sibling.

4. Peppy. They're like the hyper-energetic little sister villagers of Animal Crossing, and me being the only AFAB sibling... I think you already know what I'm on about by this point. I would give anything to have a little sister but nooo, brothers all around.

5. Smug. They're all obsessed with acting, and as an actor myself, I understand what they're going through. Us actors have to support each other, you know?

6. Snooty. Eccentric aunt vibes but in a good way. That is all.

7. Normal. They're bland as hell but they like books, which is the only reason they're not dead last.

8. Jock. They're like that one athletic kid in every class who thinks they're soooo cool and soooo popular, which is why I hate them with a passion.

Basically, most the villagers I like have the personalities of absent family figures, which is... why I like them, and the villagers I hate are like the types of people I hate...

I should probably get help.
Basically, most the villagers I like have the personalities of absent family figures, which is... why I like them, and the villagers I hate are like the types of people I hate...

I should probably get help.
Isn't it special that this game toys with your emotions in a good way? I mean, there are times (early on when I never saw repeated dialogue) that the villagers made me so happy that they nearly made me cry, and I'm a 23 year old adult male. No other game has done this. Maybe I need help, too.
On second thought, maybe this game making me a better person isn't so bad after all...

Anyway, I know what you guys actually want from me (and this is just my opinion, of course):
  1. Lazy - Like many others have mentioned, remove them talking about bugs constantly and you got yourself a personality that is both unique and full of lovably humorous dialogue. A lot of my favorite villagers are lazy, including a few all-time favorites. I never get sick of reading their dialogue, and always love it when Bob brings up the near-fourth wall break.
  2. Cranky - Sure, they don't throw insults at you randomly anymore, but the way their dialogue changed was for the better. The times they mention how they're old and not keeping up with the times is both relatable and hilarious. I sort of view myself as not fully updated either. Heck, I still regularly keep a clickwheel iPod updated with new music, and use that over my iPhone when playing music on the go.
  3. Sisterly - This personality is criminally underrated. The way they check on you if you're talking to them makes me feel good about myself. Not everyone likes tomboy-like appearances, but look past that and you'll find that these villagers are very friendly folk. There really needs to be more villagers for this personality.
  4. Normal - They can probably bore a lot of people, myself included, but I rank this one higher than other lists because these villagers are simply so adorable. I always feel good talking to normal villagers.
  5. Snooty - I don't have a very strong opinion about Snooty villagers. They're just "alright" in my eyes. I do appreciate how they're much nicer in this game compared to past installments, so there's that.
  6. Smug - The reason I prefer the Smug personality over the Peppy one is because they have several humorous moments (intentional or not) and are not as annoying. Yes, they brag about themselves, but not to Peppy levels. I also prefer the New Leaf dialogue over New Horizons', but that's just me.
  7. Peppy - It's a cute personality, don't get me wrong; I just find their dialogue annoying at times. Similarly to Jocks, they never shut up about wanting fame. Rosie and Bunnie, aren't you two popular enough already? Unlike Jocks, their dialogue is more flexible throughout the games when it comes to social trends.
  8. Jock - I like how they can call you "bro" and "dude" and stuff, but their constant mentioning of working out is tiresome at this point. The personality hasn't really changed much since the GameCube games, which probably means Nintendo can't think of anything else for them to say. It's a very repetitive personality. Would it hurt to have them mention things other than working out, such as gaming and outdoor activities? Just borrow bits of C.J.'s personality and you got yourself somewhat better dialogue.
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1. Normal- love the personality and so many good villagers in this category.
2. Snooty- love them, especially my sweet goddess, Diana.
3. Lazy- love every aspect of their personality, even the bugs. Still miss my first lazy, Benjamin, and his dirt floor.
4. Cranky- love their personality but I hate a lot of their home interiors, need to find a cranky with a nice house or get the dlc so I can change their interiors. Currently don't have a cranky on my island because I just want home interiors I love right now.
5. Sisterly- love them. I still miss my first sisterly, Charlise.
6. Smug- they're ok. I really like Marshal. Not sure if I'd like many of the others.
7. Peppy- my first peppy, Pango, kinda annoyed me but I do love how they are always happy to see you. My current peppy, Cheri, is ok. I'd trade her for Chrissy if I got the chance. I think peppy may be cute on a bunny villager.
8. Jock- just the worst.

Currently living on my island:

So- 4 normals, 2 lazies, 1 snooty, 1 smug, 1 sisterly, 1 peppy
No crankies or jocks.
Previously on my island:
Bruce- loved him but hated his house.
Bam- taking a break from jocks on my island, don't like the personality.
1. Lazy
2. Normal
3. Sisterly
4. Peppy
5. Snooty
6. Smug
7. Jock
8. Cranky

I so would love to have crankies on my island if their personalities weren't so badly butchered, they lost their charm in this game. I loved this personality type so much better in New Leaf...

The dialogue doesn't match the looks of a lot of cranky villagers, I see a lot of them as way younger in my eyes...
My ranking would be:
  1. Cranky
  2. Lazy
  3. Jock
  4. Sisterly
  5. Normal
  6. Peppy
  7. Smug
  8. Snooty
I've always liked cranky and lazy personalities the most. Before NH peppy probably would have placed a bit higher but I just dont like the NH version as much.
Some jock love representation:
1. Jock
7. Snooty

Rating it based on the villager interaction I had in all Animal crossing I played. Some find the jocks annoying but I find them amusing and fun to talk with. Also they're the ones who are nicest and most loving to my character. I have even adopted the "bro" catchphrase from interacting so much with Jay in my real day-to-day and I am not even a gym bro kind of person so...xD