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Rate the Above's Villagers

The only one I like in that entire group is Wolfgang.

Phoebe, Maple, Peanut, Eugene, Tipper, Hamlet, Carmen, Dizzy, Chief, and Hippeux
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i like hamlet, chief and maple :>

Town A: Chief, Kyle, Whitney, Skye, Leonardo, Bianca, Punchy, Lolly, Rudy, Marshal

Town B: Apple, Flurry, Graham, Rodney, Hamphrey, Hamlet, Soleil, Clay, Cheri, Cherry

Town C: Zucker, Merengue, Tangy, Muffy, Stitches, Diana, Beau, Grizzly, Marshal, Rudy
Seeing so many Marshals, Julians and Lollys tends to upset me, I don't know why either :L I'd rate your villagers, Rivulet but I fear I'd end up being more "Rude" than critical.

Genji, Punchy, Octavian, Cesar, Margie, Rosie, Peanut, Lily, Henry and Kyle (He's moving out)
(I'm not too happy that I have a few Popular villagers myself)
Aw, they're so cute! I love Zucker, Lolly, and Marshal :3

Mine are Chief, Hamphrey, Butch, Kabuki, Mitzi, Goldie, Daisy, Chadder, Kyle, and Hamlet.

I need to update my sig :p

Ah, I was late. Here's your rate, Hyogo:

You've got a nice bunch! I was pals with Punchy in CF :3 I also like Genji, Rosie, Peanut, and Kyle :D
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The only one I don't like is Chadder! I used to have him ;-;
I love Hamlet and Butch though, and Mitzi's my favorite of yours.

My villagers; Punchy Kid Cat Rudy Merry Beau Maple Freckles Aurora Shari and Papi
Maple is the only one I like in that group.

Phoebe, Maple, Peanut, Eugene, Tipper, Hamlet, Carmen, Dizzy, Chief, and Hippeux
I think Lolly and Pompom are cool *^*

I love Snake, Merengue, Stiches and Julian, Colton and Skye really nice too Static, Cube and Willow are meh. Static the best from those three probably. c:


Seeing so many Marshals, Julians and Lollys tends to upset me, I don't know why either :L I'd rate your villagers, Rivulet but I fear I'd end up being more "Rude" than critical.
And still you acted like Julian was the best thing ever in the other thread?
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Love: Drago
Like: Tia, Merengue, Julian, Ribbot, Phoebe, and Avery
Meh: Marshal, Anhka, Carmen

Termina's Villagers:
Joey, Ken, Goose, Sly, Penelope, Peggy, Maelle, Jitters, Stitches, and Fang
Joey and Maelle scare me, otherwise you've got a good sounding bunch there.

Genji, Punchy, Octavian, Cesar, Margie, Rosie, Peanut, Lily, Henry and Kyle (He's moving out)
(I'm not too happy that I have a few Popular villagers myself)
Kyle has been swapped with Julian now.
(Can't thank Rivulet enough for him B) )
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I like Margie, she's adorable. Genji is also cute :) I have Lily in my town, and Octavian is just...funny imo.

My villagers are in my signature ^-^
I like your villagers, for the most part. Not a fan of Curt or Lionel, but whatevs.

Right now I have:
I like Ankha, Flora, Stitches, and Beau. Deidre is alright. Rest are not my taste :L

Mine are in my signature c:
I love all of your villagers!! :D I've had them all in my town at one point/still have some. Rudy is my favorite of yours. :)

Mine are in my sig!
Marshal, Bluebear, Chief, LOLLY, Rudy, Bluebear <33333

Rest are good as well!
Love: Cookie, Francine
Like: Merengue
Dislike: everyone else

i actually have the opposite mindset as you but papi is in the dislike section and merengue in the love section.

Like: Shep, Marshal
Alright: Drago, Fuchsia, Cookie
Not-my-taste: everyone else.
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