Rate the thing above you!

8/10 They are funny to play with, I guess (not a custom where I live, though).

Fresh grass under your feet?
4/10. It's hard to tell because the grasses in Singapore are usually not fresh, but even with fresh ones, I'd imagine there's still dirt under it. Dirt attracts bugs, and I hate bugs.

Shiny Pokémon?
6/10 cute, though I don't like how the breed standard requires docking their tails. Kind of an odd concept to me.

The beach?
3/10 just not a fan after bad experiences plus I live somewhat near one so I used to go all the time. They're nothing special to me.

4/10. I prefer oceans. They're bigger and filled with more interesting (and a wider variety) of sea creatures.

9/10. Not a big Star Wars fan, and in spite of George Lucas' failed creations down the years, that lightsaber was a genius design.

Sonic the Hedgehog?
7/10. Not a fan of medieval anything, but the armor looks cool enough.

Bill & Ted?
5/10 — They are okay for Halloween, but I think skeletons, or skulls, are overused. I see a lot of shirts and leggings with skulls on them and people are free to express themselves, I see them a lot. It’s just not my thing. The decorations are nice for Halloween, but that’s about it.

Ice hockey?
3/10. I always find ice-skating dangerous enough, but I've heard pretty rough stuff about ice-hockey as a sport, how the players can be quite violent.

Soccer (or as we call it in Singapore, football)?
5/10 rather watch them at home but the popcorn is good

yuga aoyama?