Rate the thing above you!

10/10 because they're just so amazing to look at regardless of the size of them.

Cold but sunny weather?
7/10, I hate being cold! I also hate being too warm though ... So a cold but sunny day is a little ehhhh, but could always be worse!

The ocean?
Mr. T voice:

"MMMM, rivers, good for playing in. Good for fishing out of. I pity the foo who don't get his, her, or their 4-5 hours of spending time at a river!"



If we’re talking places like Disneyland then I rate them 6/10. The attractions are great, but the crowds and lines are unbearable.

Pretzel shops?
9/10! They are very green and interesting! I only wish they were not pointy!! They even look like a person waving lol!

Shooting Stars?
7/10, I've never really understood how people can be so hype about them, but I've got fond memories of being a child and wishing on them!

New Years celebrations?
6/10. i’ve never really participated in one besides watching countdowns on tv and getting drunk with my family lol, but the idea of them are fun at least.

I personally haven't ever tried marijuana, but a friend of mine likes smoking it, so I'll give it a 7/10 in honor of him.

Cocaine? (No, not that cocaine. I meant the song by Eric Clapton, "Cocaine").
4/10. they can definitely come in handy and there are quite a few with cute designs, but i don’t think i’ve ever actually used one lol.
