RAWRG! >>Really Awesome Wii Revolution Group<<

TBT name: SaithVenomdrone

consoles i own: Wii, xbox, xbox360, Nintendo Game Cube, Nintendo 64

Games i have that i can play online: Animal Crossing City Folk(Wii), Halo3(xbox360), Modern Warfare2(xbox360), Viva pinata trouble in paradise(xbox360) and some more which i don't care for.
tbt name: Fillfall
consoles I own: wii,ds lite,dsi,ps2 and gameboy advance sp.
games i have that i can use online: Super smash bros brawl(wii), mario kart(wii),mario kart(ds), animal crossing (wii), the beatles rockband (wii), pokemon platinium (ds), pokemon pearl (ds),pokemon diamond (ds) and a guitar hero game to my ds(can't remember the name.

I thinked it would be great with a little bit information :p
I'm quiting this group, I have no time for AC:CF and TBT anymore.
I'll quit TBT When I finish TBT RPG, Then I'm off.
Yeah.. It's not going to be that I say I leave and I day after I'm back. It's going to be forever.
I'm kind of fed up of most TBTers and how they act (Not to me).
Yeah, I will try. I bet I will get comments saying "I thought you left" ect but I would still like to see how things are going.
>Josh. Its a shame to see you go, i do hope you'll visit often though!
>Nixie, send me examples of your work in a PM okay?
>DaveyP- I might need you later to use the Level 7 mule on Combats.

Also i'm gunna be changing around the Pok
Don't worry Yuki, I'll still do you graphics you need.
If you want, PM me what you want.