Re-Modeling? Have you been doing it?


The Late Great Turt
Mar 16, 2014
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
So for all of my villager houses and stuff I do the basics of what I want to do but I plan on going back to each one when I get more things unlocked so I can make them even better!

For instance I just did a gardening house for a mouse (can't recall her name) and I know there are hoses and things to add that I don't have yet, and other plants I might want to add once I get them. Also once I unlock more floor plans I will want to add more rooms to each villager's houses and stuff.

I also want to update my stores and places once I get some more stuff unlocked as well, every time I get stuff unlocked I always go "Oh that'd be great in ____'s house!"

So I was wondering is anybody else doing something similar? Have you re-done any houses recently? Before and after pics?
I think your talking about Dora? (White mouse and wears a purple shirt)

I sometimes do this but when you remodel the house the second time they just let you do whatever you want so I just redecorate instead of following the theme they asked
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I like doing their themes! If I didn't I would end up with a million pink pretty houses and a million haunted houses...
I haven't gone back to re-decorate per se, because I haven't unlocked nearly enough furniture. I do sometimes go back to "give them a new house" the very next day, because the starter floorplans just weren't big enough (Chief wanted a garage, so I made one, then went back the next day to add a second floor where he could actually live, etc).

I do plan on remaking a ton of stuff once I have a ton more stuff :p
I like doing their themes! If I didn't I would end up with a million pink pretty houses and a million haunted houses...

Same, lol. Themes give me ideas!
I plan on remodeling when I get some more items and time. I was wondering how to remodel the public buildings? I saw three room schools on the HHN, but they only offered the one room classroom for me. Hrmm...
I am going to wait until I have unlocked everything.....or at least the majority.

Besides a few houses that I was really eager to add to I will do the same thing. It's hard after seeing all the items that are available in screenshots/videos and then you don't have them lol.
Besides a few houses that I was really eager to add to I will do the same thing. It's hard after seeing all the items that are available in screenshots/videos and then you don't have them lol.

After watching a few videos before the NA games were released I decided to stop watching, I wanted to be able to enjoy the excitement and anticipation of seeing what gets unlocked with each villager.....although when I read comments about them I get tempted to take a peak, lol
I'm trying to avoid remodels until I unlock as much as possible. I have all the facilities built, and all, I just need to get more stuff. There are so many items that didn't even exist in NL. I want to see more of them!

And I'm going to try really hard to stick to themes...
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I'm trying to avoid remodels until I unlock as much as possible. I have all the facilities built, and all, I just need to get more stuff. There are so many items that didn't even exist in NL. I want to see more of them!

And I'm going to try really hard to stick to themes...

I still have two town buildings to do, I do not enjoy doing them as much as I do the villager homes. They take me longer to do, lol. I too have been pretty much been sticking to the theme.
I haven't really done remodels yet, mainly because I am still enjoying designing for new animals and getting creative with their theme requests! Eventually I will go back and do remodels once I have unlocked a bunch more items though.
Aaa, I kind of got in a spot where I didn't know what to do with anyone's house so I just kinda....unboxed everything and told them I was done, so I'm planning on re-doing their house when I have enough things.
I had to force myself to do Shep's house to get myself out of that weird spot lol
I haven't seen the option to remodel villager houses. Only the things like school, hospital ect.:( hope i will be able to soon. I definitely will be doing itlol
Yeah I've done the remodel especially if I unlock new items that I think I want to use in houses I've already decorated. I also went back and remodeled everyone when I was able to start decorating the exterior of places.
You have no idea how much I am looking forward to going back and remodeling. I haven't unlocked it yet, but all my favorite animals are on the to-do list ASAP. :) I have a couple little additions I need to make to some projects, too.


Oh apparently I do just have to go back? I've been back to visit some animals and they haven't brought up a remodel.
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I'm holding off on remodels until I unlock more stuff. For the same reason, I'm trying to hold off on uploading a lot of stuff to HHN as well, since if you re-upload a design, you lose all your ratings for the original design.
Same, lol. Themes give me ideas!
I plan on remodeling when I get some more items and time. I was wondering how to remodel the public buildings? I saw three room schools on the HHN, but they only offered the one room classroom for me. Hrmm...

Just keep doing the public buildings and you'll get a request to expand the school and stuff. I am trying to do as many public buildings right now so I can have a nice big town!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Aaa, I kind of got in a spot where I didn't know what to do with anyone's house so I just kinda....unboxed everything and told them I was done, so I'm planning on re-doing their house when I have enough things.
I had to force myself to do Shep's house to get myself out of that weird spot lol

I've been using the unboxed items, as well as almost all of the new things they unlock, at least what I think looks good, and then filling in with other random items.