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Release day plans.

I'm getting mine preordered from GAME so hopefully it will show up on the release date. I'm in the UK too. If I get it on Friday then I will just play it all day, then on Saturday I was going to go to the nearest town to see if I can pick up any Streetpasses.
Opening day for me: The GameStop I reserved at is in a mall, so I'm going to get up get to get to the mall about a half hour early, walk the mall til the shop opens then pick up my copy, head home cook some snacks and play all day :) I have not been this excited for a game I have never played since Alice (PC Game)

Edit: Entire day changed LOL. Now I am picking up my copy from Gamestop the moment the store opens, and then going to my friend's house who dont have the game and play at his house while he watches or play PS3 LOL
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Almost cried this morning when i found out what i am going to be doing :'(
Well the release date for me is the 14th, Friday, so I will be in school most of the day. Then at 3:15 i get out of there, only to be faced with a massive walk/sprint all the way home, which is quite along way, and then it might not even be sitting on my doormat. Some of you may be thinking "how did you not know you were in school?" well i did know, its just on that particular friday we are going to another school, on the otherside of town, from which i have to walk home from. I can feel it in my bones that only the guide will turn up friday night, and not the game. I will truly cry is this happens.
I'm downloading both my copy and my girlfriend's copy at midnight, and then we'll both play together all day on the 9th. :D I'll show her the ropes, help her figure things out.
I have mine on pre order at Gamestop. My hubby always works on Sundays and the 9th will be no exception. On top of that he already knows he will be later than usual:(, but that's OK, because when he gets home he'll take me up to get it (we only have one car). He wants to be there, especially since it's my Mom's day gift:D. I told him he's in charge of dinner;)!

ETA-Thank goodness I have a self sufficient teen, because I will be very busy for the next few days after that. He thinks I'm nuts...oh well:p
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I'll be in college (double business studies, then double free studies and finally single media studies) and I reckon learning will keep me distracted for business and media, but in that double free I'll be so bored- I am really tempted to somehow get a lift home (we are allowed to leave college when we have frees) pick up my copy of the game off the doormat (release day delivery guaranteed) and go back to college and play it over my lunch break...
I pre-Ordered my copy at gamestop so i been waking up around 11:30 am to get ready, eatbreakfast then headout :D
I will bus to the mall before it opens and chill outside of EB before it opens then get my copy right when it does. :)
Gonna download my copy at 11 pm (US Central time, yeah!), play for a bit in the evening, hopefully see if I can go to someone's town with an open shop, then catch some rest so I can pick it up in the morning! I'll probably bake something and cook some lunch, I plan on staying in for the day! If I get bored of lounging around in my apartment, I'll consider going to a cafe and enjoying a latte as I play for a while ^__^ ahh!
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I'm not 100% certain yet which day I'll receive it since it's coming in the mail. But the plan probably will be go to work as usual, go to the post office after work, go home, eat dinner, and then play NL for the rest of the night. I'm really hoping that I can buy a fishing pole or a net the first day so I can make a bunch of money a bit easier. Preferably a fishing pole.
I will probably hit the snooze button a couple of times, then I will finally get up from the cat putting its cold paws on my nose or the back of my neck as I get out of bed and he gets in it. After a shower and possibly some breakfast of one egg, a piece of bacon and some spring onion, I will get dressed in something appropriate for the outside world to see and head down to the local supermarket.
At the supermarket I plan on walking up and down all the isles to make sure I have seen everything - just in case I forgot to purchase something - as well as all the regular items I need like cat food. I think I will be out of deodorant by then, so possibly deodorant will also be on my shopping list as well! Good times.
Usually I stop in to visit the old lady who lives next door on my day off, just to make sure she is still breathing. So I will do that once I get back from the supermarket and take some biscuits over that I got cheap for her and have a cup of tea with her. liptons I suspect.
When we have finished up it should be close to lunch so I will get read to make some lunch, if its cold enough it will be some soup! mmm chicken maybe. Then when I am making lunch I usually log into TBT to see whatup with the homies and I suspect that is when I will realise that New Leaf has finally come out. I will go bat**** crazy and run to the car, then realise I forgot to turn off the food from cooking and have to run back into the house and scaring the crap out of the cat cause he isn't used to people running in the house. Get back into my car and drive to the local EB where I asked for my game to be held for me. Scream at random people about how they lack the necessary brain cells to use an indicator, or for pulling out of a park as I'm trying to drive past them. Once I crazily park in a weird angle over two parks, or decide to use the handicap zone (cause there is always like 100 of them empty all the time). I will jaunty on into the shops and peruse my selection of Isabella and physical copies of NL that I have to choose from before selecting the likely culprits. Slamming them into my 3DS and sitting in the middle of the shop in absolute drug fixed bliss as I become mayor of my new town.
I'm actually glad that I am working at 4:30 am, I will work finish in time to run to GAME for the opening of the shop!
Stare out of my front door window longingly, waiting for the Fedex guy to drop off my game and guide while beautiful yet depressing violin music serenades me in the background.
I am getting the bundle, which my fianc? is helping me pay for as part of a late bday present. So I have to wait till 5pm until he gets home from work before we can go to GAME
Well, I just preordered New Leaf! :D (for pick up at store at my local GameStop, after much confusion with gift cards and credit cards and what's paying for what and why I'm inputting some stuff...)
Friday, June 7th is my friend's Sweet Sixteen. (6pm to 2am, whoo!)
Saturday will DEFINITELY be a rest day after staying up so late. I'll probably sleep the whole day away... ;^-^ If I do find myself functioning at some point in the day, I'll be doing last minute planning for my town.
And my GameStop opens at 10am on Sundays, so I'll be picking it up ASAP, then going over to my boyfriend's house to play it with him! c:​
I'll be way too excited that morning of course, but I'm getting lunch at Noodles and Company before gamestop opens, then going to pick up the game! The rest of the day I plan on fishing or bug catching, and working on mayor points :)
I plan to wake up early, head to Walmart or Target (where I get my Nintendogs + Cats games) and pick up Animal Crossing. Then I'll play for a while, get some exercise (of course), and play it again! Not that I'm going to abandon my Nintendog on my 3DS, but I just won't play it as much.