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Release day plans.

Hmm not sure what my snacks of choice will be. Probably Minstrels, cashews and fizzy water. I'll prob have latte at the coffee shop after I buy it or maybe a creamy cooler. yum yum.
I hope i get my code for downloading it free at midnight (but i doubt that)

When i have finally downloaded it i will reset until i have my perfect town (river and fruit are important, maybe grasspattern too)

No other plans for me, just enjoying the game (and wondering where i should place my house^^)
I've had June 9 planned out since March. :) I'm going to wake up around 8, excitedly bounce around the house for an hour and fifteen minutes before it's time to get ready for Church, go to 10 o' clock Mass, then go straight to GameStop (with my 3DS), pick up my pre-order, and then go to Panera for lunch, all while playing NL. Then I'll play it for the rest of the day until it's time to go to swim practice. I'll play it in the car with my carpool buddy who I got into AC (he's getting NL, too), and then swim for an hour and a half in attempt to forget NL. Then, I'll go home, lock my 3DS in my bedroom, and go down to the kitchen to study for my huge math test the next day. Then I'll play in bed for an hour or so.
On release day I'm going to get up unusually earlier and watch for the postman. Usually I'm still in bed when he's ringing the doorbell trying to give us a parcel lol.
Go to Target and hope they have one in stock. They had Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon in stock by the time I got there and that was like six hours after they opened. I intend to go much earlier though. If they don't have it, I'll come home(after checking other stores) and just download it digitally.
I bought the bundle so I'm probably going to read the prima Eguide I bought and read all y'alls posts on the forums until I can go to game stop when they open. I am a nocturnal person so I'm usually sleeping during the day. I might end up staying up all day and night =X wish me luck? haha
I'm in the UK too so 14th for me. I'll be crossing all my fingers that my preorder arrives in my post that day and it's not delayed for any reason. Will be sat next to my front door waiting for the postman :p
That weekend I'll be staying with my fiance in a pretty nice place, so I won't be all too worried about it. So I guess that morning after morning things we'll drive up and pick up all the copies and deliver them, and then we'll get entirely too silly playing AC for the rest of forever!
I'm gonna ride my bike to Gamestop which opens at 10 and zoom on home and play it. I will most likely have work on Sunday though. I always do. Right before I go to work, I'm gonna download the digital version and give it to my sister (that will be her town, she doesn't have a 3DS)

Ugh, I really hope I don't have work on that day.
I'll probably wake up early and go down to Gamestop to get my games and then come home and play with my sister and boyfriend unless the 3DS group I'm in is doing any kind of special meet up. :D
I plan to head to Caribou around 10am to get all coffeed up, then over to the GameStop across the street at 11 when it opens. Then, I have to go home and do a system transfer because I pre-ordered the XL bundle and I am selling my old 3DS to a friend. After I'm all transferred over, I'll be heading out to an Animal Crossing party where I will start my game in the company of other die-hard AC fans! I can't wait!
Wake up super early to get it and rush back home to play aaall day! Lucky for me, NL is released a couple days after school ends c:
My plan:

Around 9.00-9.30am: Head into gamestop to pick up the game
At 12:00am head home on the bus (It's not a big town, so there isn't a frequent bus service)
Around 12:30pm start playing the game
11:30pm Wonder where all the time went

Something like that...

I might download Fire Emblem for free too since I'll have three games from the offer as soon as I get New Leaf.
Im going to get the day off work (because my boss has had enough listening to me talk about it :3), run the shopping centre, grab a tea, go buy my video camera THEN go pick up my bundle <3 i plan to run very fast XD
I expect my release day will be quite busy. It's a sunday so I'll be picking the game up at 10am when Gamestop opens.

I'm choosing that instead of the digital download because I don't want to start my town at 1am, and I have no will power to sit and wait once I have it.

Afterwards I plan on fishing all day!
Well I plan to go to gamestop at 11 to pick up my guide and game and then going home to play until my boring work meeting at 6:30 but hopefully it doesn't last too late. Then I have my first summer night class on the 10th but thankfully its just two nights a week.
I'm going to go straight to GameStop and pick up my copy and guild book right after lunch or before if I'm lucky and if I can I'm going to play it all day
I'm not even gonna sleep the night before release because I'll be so hyped [seriously, I'm hyped already and I sometimes wake up because I'm just so pumped akhjkj]. Then I'll run/fly to the only gameplanet we have here [which is kind of far from my house], and once I have it in my house I'll raise it like Simba from Lion King, whisper "finally" and then play while in the car... and I'll keep playing until I'm really REALLY sleepy.