You really should wait another day or two. If you start now, you will be hosting a game AND playing in two games all at the same time. It's difficult to pay attention to a single game sometimes, let alone three.
well, ive been doing it so far with 2. Three might be too much, I don't know.
well, ive been doing it so far with 2. Three might be too much, I don't know.
You really should wait another day or two. If you start now, you will be hosting a game AND playing in two games all at the same time. It's difficult to pay attention to a single game sometimes, let alone three.
FLOP, IF YOU SAY SOMETHING AGAINST SALT YOU HAVE A 9999 GAME BAN. Just some vital information everyone knows.
Yes. You start now.
The WoTC victim was PurplPanda. No fancy stories this time.
It took 32 minutes to write that? You type slowly.