I worded that wrong XD.I don't understand this part of your post. Let's say iTookYourWaffles was Mafia, and got a Vig to shoot you .. how would that make her look better? The only way I could see this benefiting Mafia is if they were planning on sacrificing someone from their own team and then claiming they helped the Vig shoot a red player.
Yeah I completely agree that FireNinja1 is going to slip by .. again. It'll be interesting to see if he votes today or if he continues on his route to getting modkilled. If he starts avoiding modkill then the spotlight should definitely be switched on to him. Same thing goes to Makkine.
Since it says that Minties quit in the main post, are we getting a replacement for her or are you going to reveal her role later and have her out of the game for good?
I'm going to put in my vote for Superpenguin based on what Minties + Oath2Order mentioned before.
This game is such a mess.
Superpenguin, where are you? Got anything to say?
Are you drooping out?
I want out of this game. It's been a mess, and I am so tired and want to go sleep right now. I don't see the point in defending myself any longer. Town will be able to get along just fine without me; I wasn't going to be very contributive this game anyway. :/
Sorry I couldn't have been of a bigger help, Town. But when I flip green, I recommend you'll look to Cory as he quickly bandwagoned in my footsteps this game.
are we allowed to scrap games
my game is just a **** crap fest right now
Where is it?