Resident Services: What would you take?


greedy heart stealer
Project Staff
May 27, 2017
Toy Hammer
Pink Heart Balloon
Toy Hammer
Toy Hammer
Let's pretend we can just nab any item out of the resident services but we're competing against each other. Like a black friday, lol.
As soon as the doors open, what are your top three items you would grab?


How peaceful...


Sorry, I'm bad at naming things and there might be errors since I'm team no sleep
I left out the items in front of the desk, but you can name off those (Nook poster, blue stools, recycle bin, ABD machine and radiator). I purposely left out the wall clock and fan as we have pretty similar items to those.
Love this post as someone else said, find it super cute hahah 💛 . Well let see i would take the following; ç

17. pot of flowers ( i dream of the day we can use not just a vase but pot of our own flowers and maybe even be able to arrange the flowers that will be in the vases )
E. Planner
G. Unused mugs
I'll take the speaker intercom, the electric kettle, and the door. One of my playable residents could definitely use the speaker intercom in their house and it would fit really well (though, hopefully we could customize it and change the color), the electric kettle is generally useful, and I really like the look of that door.
aw this is cute! the kettle (need my tea), the desk fan and that whiteboard! although the ABD is also highly tempting... and i mean, who doesn't need a spare door?
I'll be honest, I spent way too long considering what I'd take, as if it was a real option. 😂 I settled on the following:
  1. #17: Pot of flowers. We need more little plants and decor items like this! I've always loved Isabelle's little flowers and I need them in my life!
  2. ABD Machine: that bad boy would be placed firmly in my shopping plaza where it belongs! I like visiting resident services once and a while but it would be so nice to have one in a better spot on my island!
  3. H: Electric kettle. It looks like my IRL kettle so I definitely need one of those in the game!
Honorable mention goes to the door (why don't our houses have any interior doors?!), the planner, and the mugs. If I got to go in for a second trip I'd grab those for sure!
  • desk fan - think this would come in very handy in the tropical island climate, small and easy to carry around
  • the door - currently only a corridor between the hallway and the bathroom, its in desperate need of a door for more privacy
  • pot of flowers - bright, nice little decor piece and who doesn't like a nice little pot of flowers in their home
While everyone is busy looting the place I'd just be trying to steal the pot of flowers, it's cute and would look nice in my house. I'd likely try to grab Tom Nook's laptop as well, you just know there is some good stuff on there.
- Flowers
- Door

We need the flower pots back, I don't understand why don't we have them in game. Maybe we could craft them with a DIY using the flowers + clay.
Would definitely take G and the ABD Machine. I miss having the ABD in my house in New Leaf and being able to withdraw cash without having to go to the post office. Hopefully that will make a return! :)
pot of flowers
picture frames
pencil cup

bonus item: the poster of Nook that's on the left-hand wall beneath the recycling bin (make it a Nook Miles item, Nintendo!)
Oh this is such a cute idea! I've definitely admired the resident services before, so this is fun. Narrowing it down to three might be tricky but I'll try!

1.) I want Isabelle's planner, I just think it's so cute! I love the other little sets we can get like the homework one, essay set, sewing projects, etc. and I'd love to get my hands on a little planner too!

2.) The island mat is really cute too. I'm not sure what I'd do with it but I want it, lol. Maybe it could go in a little piratey area or something as a treasure map!

3.) This one is so hard but I think I'd take the electric kettle. I know we have other kettles and tea pots in the game, but I really like the way theirs looks and I think it would suit my diner area really well!
Isabelle's desk, the tea kettle set with the mugs, and the pot of flowers.

If we are counting the mugs and electric kettle as separate, then I would grab the electric kettle, Isabell's desk, and the pot of flowers.
The calendar, the potted flowers (why didn’t they have these in game? So cute!), and the intercom. For decoration purposes.

If I could have more than three, I also l
would love the stack of pencils and unused mugs.