Pokémon RIP Pokemon Go

I'm enjoying it still! Personally think folks are greatly overreacting to everything (maybe in part because their cheat toys were taken away from them...?) and I feel pretty certain in-game tracking will return at some point. I didn't see the removal in the update as an actual removal, just temporary to avoid confusion while they actually work on it. I still enjoy the game without tracking too.

Better communication surely wouldn't hurt though!
Personally think folks are greatly overreacting to everything (maybe in part because their cheat toys were taken away from them...?)
It's more than just that though. I still use a tracker, so I'm not too butthurt about PokeVision, but there's a lot of changes that do annoy me:
- Pokemon that are way more aggressive and harder to catch. Yesterday I had 5 Pokemon (CPs ranging from 80 to 300) in a row that ran away after breaking out of the first ball I threw. Before the update, Pokemon barely even ran.
- Graphical updates that make the game run slower in battle and menus. Other people I play with experience this too.
- The Nearby list now doesn't even show what's closest to you and furthest away from you. The tracker I use shows that I currently have a Jigglypuff and Kakuna right next to my house, yet the Nearby list shows two Rattatas and Pidgey, then on the second row Jigglypuff, Weedle and Kakuna. So even as a "soft" tracker, the Nearby list is absolutely useless.
- The update introduced new glitches. The biggest of these is that Pokemon on the map are other Pokemon in battle, and possibly in Gyms too (see here).

But most of all, what has been mentioned throughout the thread the most, absolutely no transparency or communication from Niantic. People want certainty about whether or not the in-game tracking will return, and they want to be able to communicate to Niantic about the new problems they're having. The company is doing some really shady **** right now and they will naturally lose players if they continue down that path.
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It's more than just that though. I still use a tracker, so I'm not too butthurt about PokeVision, but there's a lot of changes that do annoy me:
- Pokemon that are way more aggressive and harder to catch. Yesterday I had 5 Pokemon (CPs ranging from 80 to 300) in a row that ran away after breaking out of the first ball I threw. Before the update, Pokemon barely even ran.
- Graphical updates that make the game run slower in battle and menus. Other people I play with experience this too.
- The Nearby list now doesn't even show what's closest to you and furthest away from you. The tracker I use shows that I currently have a Jigglypuff and Kakuna right next to my house, yet the Nearby list shows two Rattatas and Pidgey, then on the second row Jigglypuff, Weedle and Kakuna. So even as a "soft" tracker, the Nearby list is absolutely useless.
- The update introduced new glitches. The biggest of these is that Pokemon on the map are other Pokemon in battle, and possibly in Gyms too (see here).

But most of all, what has been mentioned throughout the thread the most, absolutely no transparency or communication from Niantic. People want certainty about whether or not the in-game tracking will return, and they want to be able to communicate to Niantic about the new problems they're having. The company is doing some really shady **** right now and they will naturally lose players if they continue down that path.
Another problem with the tracker is that I notice that it's sometimes outdated? Like it'll show Pokemon that aren't there or won't show a Pokemon that is there. And you're pretty ****ed if you want to get a Pokemon that's there for everybody else but you, unless you restart the game to refresh.

Either way, the fact that it's much harder to catch even the weakest Pokemon makes the game incredibly unfair towards people who don't have a pokestop at the turn of every street. You run out of balls way too fast and can't replenish them fast enough. So basically, you're entirely out of luck if you don't live in the heart of a city.
Kinda obvious it would go downhill like this though, and how they made the GPS and where to find Pok?mon working as wonky as it did..
I'm enjoying it still! Personally think folks are greatly overreacting to everything (maybe in part because their cheat toys were taken away from them...?) and I feel pretty certain in-game tracking will return at some point. I didn't see the removal in the update as an actual removal, just temporary to avoid confusion while they actually work on it. I still enjoy the game without tracking too.

Better communication surely wouldn't hurt though!

My thoughts exactly. Niantic are only a small company and are obviously overwhelmed by the sheer success of Pokemon Go, I don't think they realised how big it really was going to be, hence the constant server errors. Likewise, because the game is so popular, people are lacking patience. I doubt that they will completely remove any tracking system altogether, they're probably trying to fix what caused the glitch or bug in the first place OR add in a more reliable tracker. Also, I felt like Pok?vision (the tracking website) was good but not entirely accurate - wouldn't show all Pokemon appearing, sometimes would appear in random spots. I remember I found a Dratini but on the Pok?vision map it said it was like 3 streets away. So I guess Niantic have a lot of work to do to fix the game up but I definitely think the app has potential - we haven't got any confirmed legendaries yet and I'm sure in due time we'll get new regions added (kind of hoping they might add Alola next to help hype up Sun and Moon but not too sure). So yeah I'm still loving the game, I'm not as obsessed with it as I was the first week it came out but it's something to just have open whilst you're out exploring somewhere new or gives you a chance to just go out on a walk if you're bored.
I was actually discussing this with a member of my family earlier. Honestly, I don't mind to be honest about the fact they removed it, its just the lack of communication. If they had just said "yes, its a temporary fix until we fix it fully" then it would be ok, its just the lack of communication.
My thoughts exactly. Niantic are only a small company and are obviously overwhelmed by the sheer success of Pokemon Go, I don't think they realised how big it really was going to be, hence the constant server errors. Likewise, because the game is so popular, people are lacking patience. I doubt that they will completely remove any tracking system altogether, they're probably trying to fix what caused the glitch or bug in the first place OR add in a more reliable tracker.
Ingress launched with a small amount of players but had even worse servers problems. Things that players asked to be fixed or improved upon in 2011 or 2012 either still haven't been fixed or improved. Niantic took the same stance with third-party developers back with Ingress, where any things that actually improved player experiences got a C&D from the company.
There's a good article from an old Ingress player here.

Niantic should've learned from their mistakes with Ingress, but they didn't. There's also one really big difference between Ingress and PoGo. With Ingress they could mess up as much as they wanted, it was their own IP to do with what they wanted, so if it failed nobody (besides the people at Niantic) would really give a damn in the end. But now they're using a 20-year old IP, and if they continue treating it like they are now, like it's just Ingress 2, they will hurt the image of the Pokemon IP. I think Nintendo and TPC won't be too happy about that.

They've now responded to concerns about the tracker being removed, and about it not having launched in certain regions (with Brazil being mentioned specifically). That still leaves a plethora of problems they haven't even acknowledged.

Don't get me wrong, I love PoGo, and I want it to succeed. But the way Niantic currently works, I'm afraid it won't be a success.
I have no idea how to set that up.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also apparently they finally broke their silence. But I don't know, it seems kinda...I don't know.

https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongodev/comments/4tojmo/pokemon_go_map_desktop_app/ I think Shaymin had a diff one.
But you just dl this on pc and insert a google maps key into it. Getting a key is explained here: https://github.com/mchristopher/Pok...oogle-Maps-API:-a-brief-guide-to-your-own-key This only works for pc though I believe.
ppl who are upset they removed cheaty trackers like pok?vision ........ ok.........,

and i'm p sure they'll add in a tracker later, they just gotta fix it first. it was just confusing when it was there but didnt work so i think it's better that they removed it for the time being..

and ppl who want refunds are overreacting, just because they can't cheat anymore and it is a bit harder to catch the pok?mon,...ok.,,
I wish that they kept the 3 print bug in rather than remove the tracker entirely. Even though it showed 3 footprints for all the pokemons, the top left was always closest to my location so I could still technically track it. I saw a lickitung in my nearby list yesterday, he's one of the few I haven't caught and I tried my luck and walked around for 15 minutes but it disappeared before I could find it. It's pretty disheartening to play like that. :(

I still like the app but it's definitely not addicting to me anymore.

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I haven't really played Pokemon Go seriously since the middle of July. I just lost interest in it really quickly.
About the tracker, I had no idea how it worked anyway and it always to seem that i get a Pokemon by complete chance.
But I agree it was dumb for Niantic to remove the tracker for those that really needed it.

Well it was fun while it lasted.

Surly I didn't think that the resurrection of Pokemania will die off so soon.
ppl who are upset they removed cheaty trackers like pok?vision ........ ok.........,

and i'm p sure they'll add in a tracker later, they just gotta fix it first. it was just confusing when it was there but didnt work so i think it's better that they removed it for the time being..

and ppl who want refunds are overreacting, just because they can't cheat anymore and it is a bit harder to catch the pok?mon,...ok.,,
How is it cheating to want to know where Pokemon are tho?? You still have to go there where the Pokemon is unless you're truly cheating and teleporting around.
I didn't see the big deal with the third-party trackers, but whatevs.

I do think they just disabled the in-game tracking option until they get it fixed. The biggest problem is that they're not communicating ANY of this to the players, so they're automatically going into "torches and pitchforks" mode.

I really couldn't care less because I live in a rural area, so catching pokemans for me is kind of pointless.
https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongodev/comments/4tojmo/pokemon_go_map_desktop_app/ I think Shaymin had a diff one.
But you just dl this on pc and insert a google maps key into it. Getting a key is explained here: https://github.com/mchristopher/Pok...oogle-Maps-API:-a-brief-guide-to-your-own-key This only works for pc though I believe.
Small warning with using this: Use a different PTC/Google login than the one you use for playing the game. I used my PoGo login at first, but noticed that it actually put distance into my game after my eggs got advanced by almost 1km in 2 hours, while I was just sitting by my PC and rarely unlocked my phone to catch nearby Pokemon. Even the GPS bugging out post-unlock shouldn't have taken that much distance off for me.
I don't play Pokemon Go but I definitely would be annoyed too due to the lack of communication.
I don't think it's dying off, I'm definitely still enjoying it, as are millions of others. Too bad some people can't just enjoy something without taking it so seriously and likely ruining it for those of us who don't feel the need to be petty over a few minor changes.
Tried kept getting an error that something with the java script. x.X
When you're in the API Manager menus, there's a tab on the left called "Library". Click on that, then find the Google Maps JavaScript API, click on it and enable it at the top of the page. That fixed the error for me. You should still use the API key you got from following the guide.
I still get errors every once in a while, but the map works regardless.