【Roleplay】 "Can't Take It.."

((I'm here ready too ;) And I have no intention of falling asleep way too early this time :p We could potentially start now, though it's probably best to wait for the others to get on too.))
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(Has the new dream started yet? Not sure when to jump in on this rp. If it hasn't I can come in now/when it starts I guess.)
He smiled as he was accepted to stay with the other male. "Thank you, Hiroki." He stretched, placing his hands on the back of his neck, lightly rubbing it. He was tired again, as usual and didn't feel like being a bother. "I'm tired.." He groaned, slumping over and rubbing his eyes. He was always tired, but not like it bothered him. He usually just wagged a few classes then went to them - Usually due to sleep.

//You can control Yama****a, Blue, if you're gonna send him to bed or something to start the dream, just because I'm doing something.
~ Hiroki ~

The boy watched Yama before quickly offering him the bed, knowing he would have to sleep either beside him or on the floor, and he didn't mind either way. Yama would then stretch and thank Hiroki, laying down in the bed and closing his eyes. Hiroki gazed at him, knowing they would most likely end up in another nightmare, as Yama said, but maybe the proximity of the sleepers would allow them to enter the dream together, instead of alone. Wouldn't that be something?
Hiroki laid down beside Yama, shaking slightly, before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep, allowing the new world to form.

OOC:// It's open now to anyone who "falls asleep." ^o^
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White. Straight, neat, white, plain, dull, and blank. Every building, in a city that used to be organized chaos, now perfectly even and aligned. The once dirty and bustling streets, now plain and empty, except for her. Ivory's head was pounding. She was straining her eyes trying to see how far this plainess went. She placed her hands over her eyes and waited a few seconds. Then a few more. Finally she decided it just felt better to stand there with her hands over her face than to try and navigate.
Having put back his book when he got tired, Akihisa soon drifted off to sleep with no trouble. When he awoke, however, he wasn't in his home, rather he was inside what appeared to be an empty shop. Another dream... Maybe that should e nightmare? I wonder who's this is... Akihisa located the door, and walked outside, where he stopped and looked around in awe. Everything was white, and all of the buildings looked exactly the same as far as he could see in every direction, all neatly arranged. To Akihisa, it was breathtaking. It was, well, perfect'
Yama sat up in the symmetrical world, completely blinded by the amount of white there was. He seemed to have awakened on a path beside the ground, though, he didn't want to move and held a hand over his eyes. The white was blinding his tired and weary eyes, making him groan in pain as the brightness broke through his fingers. "Gaaaaah!" He cried out, his eyes finally adjusting and allowing him to get up. He leaned on a wall - Brick. It was Tokyo alright, but what the hell was it? It definitely was too blinding and made him growl and groan. He hadn't woken up my Hiroki, which made him worried - Yama? Worried? Pfft, not even close - Or, what he thought. He moved around the streets curiously and cautious. Would this dream have creatures that attacked last time or would there be something else? He sighed as his thoughts continued. The world was blinding him, making him growl in frustration and finally sit down. He definitely couldn't take this much brightness..
Akihisa decided that he should look around and see if he could find anyone else. In the last dream I found people not far from where I woke up, so if they're here they shouldn't be too hard to find, right? He looked around him, tyring to work out the best plan. As much as he liked the fact that everything was neat and perfect and symmetrical, it made working out where people were incredibly different. The easiest thing to do would probably have been to find a way to get onto the roof of one of the buildings to be able to look around from a higher vantage point, tough Aki couldn't stand heights, so that idea was out. After a while, he gave up with thinking of a better plan and just picked in a direction to walk in. I'll walk for a little bit, He thought as he set off in a direction. And if there's no sign of anyone, I'll turn back around and go the other direction.
At the end of a long day, Mark tried staying awake, but as soon as his head hit his pillow he was out. He soon awoke. Mark found himself in a grassy field. A pathway and a few empty looking shops appeared in the near distance. He picked himself up and scanned the land. He soon spotted a city on the horizn, it appeared to be Tokyo. Soon, the clouds parted and an overwhelming amount of light blinded him. He quickly covered his eyes, and slowly walked for the city.
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He walked for quite a while, finding no sign of anyone. After a while, Aki started calling our things like "Hello" or "Anyone around?", to attract the attention of anyone who may be anywhere near that he doesn't see.
Ivory perked up, hearing a semi-familiar voice.
"Hello?" They called out.
"Over here! It's Ivory!" She shouted.
Aki heard a voice calling back, and when he followed it, it lead him to Ivory. "Finally, there's someone else around here," He muttered to himself. "Hi Ivory."
Mark began walking to the city, when he spotted two figures in the distance. "Hello?" He called out.
Akihisa heard another voice, and turned to see someone else heading their way. He didn't reognise the new person, so either he hadn't seen him in the first dream or he wasn't in it.