【Roleplay】 "Can't Take It.."

Usagi gave a slight giggle at the boy who
they had called 'Yama'. she bent down to him then,began to speak
"are you okay?" she asked him. "Oh, and um..." she thought for a
moment, trying to remember what the boy said his naem was..
"Oh! Aki, where are we? I don't think I've seen this part of Tokyo
He rolled onto his front, flipping up onto his feet and holding out his hand. "Yama****a Shinichi, it's nice to meet you.. Uh..?" He never caught the female's name, causing him to trail off. His eyes flashed a pinkish red as he looked at her. He knew how to control his Incubus abilities, yet it was quite difficult to do so, so he often was left with his eyes flashing.
I need to get an eyepatch someday He thought quickly.
Usagi gave a slight giggle at the boy who
they had called 'Yama'. she bent down to him then,began to speak
"are you okay?" she asked him. "Oh, and um..." she thought for a
moment, trying to remember what the boy said his naem was..
"Oh! Aki, where are we? I don't think I've seen this part of Tokyo
"I'm not sure this is Tokyo. This place probably doesn't even exist outside of this dream," Aki said.
"Looks to be the dream would be paradise for a perfectionist." He tilted his head downwards as he spoke, raising his voice slightly. "Now, the goal is something we need to look out for - Anything abnormal goes. The last dream was a dark side. Now, we face the horror of this dream and it's awful sight.." He spoke, covering his eyes again. "Is it darker in a building?" He groaned. He knew he could just sleep to leave but then he wouldn't return due to the blinding colour.
"I woke up inside one of the buildings, they aren't white inside," Aki said. "We could go inside somewhere to talk, since it's darker there."
He blindly moved towards the nearest building, brushing over it for the door. He finally felt a door, opening his eyes. "Perfect." He sat in the darkest corner and curled up, leaning back and whispering to himself 'Where's Hiroki?'
She was confused by their talking.
"uhh.. dream?" Usagi asked them, awaiting for
a reply.
He rubbed his eyes. "It is bright.." He grumbled, growling. "IT IS BRIGHT!" He knew here, he had no power over fog, settings, goals, anything so he was safe to get angry or stressed. He growled at Aki. "Usoda! Usoda! Usoda!" He yelled at him in Japanese, basically saying 'That's a lie' over and over again. He curled up in the dark corner, his eyes turning black except for the pupil which was a bright red. He turned his back to the door and sat facing the wall, not wanting to talk much.

//Probably gonna head off soon. I stayed up all night and it's 6am.
"Its not bright, you're just not used to it... Baka..." Aki muttered, then turned to Usagi. "This is a dream," Aki began to explain for Usagi. "Everyone here is stuck in this dream until we can work out what the goal of the dream is. That's why this doesn't look like Tokyo, because it isn't real."

Usagi was so very confused with what he
said,she really didn't believe him but she decided to just
play along with what he was saying because there was seriously
no point in arguing with him. Usagi gave a small
sigh, "oh... uhm, okay, do we just, do stuff until we
get to leave?" she asked, slightly tilting her head
"There's probably an actual goal, like the last one which was similar to the plot of persona. Though I don't know what the goal would be, this place doesn't seem similar to anything I've ever seen..." Aki said. He didn't seem to notice she didn't believe him.

"oh? A goal..." she said, staying quiet for a moment before letting
out a bright smile. "Okay! Let's try to find it~" she said happily.
Usagi knew that if this dream thing was real, she would
have to get out of it, and it probably wasn't possible alone..
"Easier said than done though," Aki said quietly. It had occurred to him a while ago that this was probably his dream, since he was more of a perfectionist than the others and the only person who thought the dream's setting actually looked good. However, this made him feel like an idiot as he knew nothing about what was going on, yet Yama****a knew so much when it was his dream.
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"oh, well" she looked down and sighed quietly,
"well, since you already knew it was a dream, you
must've been in one before, right? So, what'd you do
to achieve the goals in the other dreams?" Usagi
asked him
"Well, there's only been one other. That I know of, anyway. It was Yama's dream, so it was based on persona, which he must like. The goal was for him to face his dark side, because that was the plot of persona. But I don't think that'll help us much here because this dream doesn't seem to be based on something like the first one was."
Yama****a whimpered then shot up, bolting out the door, his eyes reflecting off the white on the walls. His eyes didn't seem to want to return from it's demon form, making him look scary to a normal person. He yelled out, searching for his 'friend' - He had no idea what his relationship was with him, but he called out anyway. "Hiroki! Where are you!?"
~ Hiroki & Kiyoko ~

The boy sat up, cringing against the light that shone off the exterior of what seemed to be each and every building outside of him. The room he was in was white, the furniture - white. Everything aligned perfectly and neatly in place. It was nice.. kind of. The white floors seems to bother him a bit, but he shook it off for now, deciding to quickly leave the building. He knew the others had to be nearby, and was relieved to see the familiar white haired female also emerging from one of the buildings. She had no need to shield her single eye; it wasn't sensitive to light, and upon catching sight of Hiroki, she rolled that eye, approaching him to find the others together.
It wasn't long before they stumbled upon the group, it was easy to find their colors against the pasty background, and Hiroki threw himself into Yama's arms, pouting as if he had been searching for hours.​
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Mark listened to them, then spoke up. "We have to complete a goal? If we don't, we have to wake up sometime, right? Do we even know who's dream it is?" He asks, tilting his head slightly to the left.
"Hiroki.." He muttered into the other male's ear, hugging him close, despite his eyes being inhuman, he didn't seem to care, but he didn't want to scare him either. When his eyes went like this, it also triggered a deeper and darker voice which he never used often. "Look who found me first.." He muttered, nuzzling the boy.