[Roleplay] Haunted Ball

April glanced around the ballroom nervously, from the corner she sat at away from the other guests. Her usual shuness wasn't exactly helped by the fact that just about everyone else there was richer and more important than she was. Why was I even invited to this..? She wondered.
Tania had found a sofa to lay, stretching her body across it tiredly. She didnt know who to talk to, or what to say, so she found her self relaxing instead, taking a glass of champagne from one of the butlers and sat up to drink it.
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At least other people didn't seem to be taking this ball very seriously. April could already see a guy who just looked plain bored, a woman sat sewing something and another who was lying down on a sofa at some point. She decided that if she had to talk to anyone, she should start with one of them, instead of people who were actually trying to socialise.
Tania started to play with the champagne glass between her fingers. "Tania is so bored..." She muttered to herself, then her eyes lit up at the sight of a butler who was carrying a tray of cakes and snacks. Tania got up quickly, grabbing three of the cupcakes and sat back down. "Tania loves cakes!" She said, biting into one.
I decided to have a little nose at what other people had been invited-I didn't expect much. Most of them seemed a lot less high-up then us, and I laughed a little at the thought. I saw a girl crudely scoffing a cake an grimaced.
"What disgusting manners..." I mumbled.
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Tania started eating her second cake, trying her best not to make a mess of her big dark blue dress. She started to wonder why she was even here, and what the actual purpose of the ball was. Was it just a ball for all the rich and famous to attend, or was there more to it?
Glancing over, Alby saw a girl scarfing down cakes voraciously.
With this, he thought to himself, "Hmm, I am a bit famished." He reached out to the tray of sweets that a butler was holding and grabbed a strawberry shortcake.
"Ooh, strawberries!", he said cheerily before munching on it slowly to savor every bite.
Tania saw a guy take some cakes for himself. She pivoted her body so she was laying on the sofa still, but moved her body up and her arms and head over the arm rest to see the boy eating a shortcake. "Do you like the cakes too? Tania thinks they are very yummy!" She said happily, giggling to herself as she ate another cupcake.

(Brb lunch)
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"Thank you," April said politely, as she took a strawberry cupcake from one of the butlers who walked by. Everyone else seemed to be eating them, so she had decided she should try one too. She didn't want to be left out, even if she was too shy to include herself any other way.
Glancing over, Alby saw the girl whose name seems to be Tania asking him something about the cakes.
He replied with a gentle smile, "Ya, the desserts aren't half as bad as I thought."
Glancing over, Alby saw the girl whose name seems to be Tania asking him something about the cakes.
He replied with a gentle smile, "Ya, the desserts aren't half as bad as I thought."

"What a disgusting way of speech." I said, unfortunately loud enough for the messy scum to hear.
Glancing over, Alby saw the girl whose name seems to be Tania asking him something about the cakes.
He replied with a gentle smile, "Ya, the desserts aren't half as bad as I thought."

Tania giggled, getting up and sitting on the armrest, hands on tightly to keep her balance. "What's your name?" She said with a smile, clearly Tania was a strange girl.
"What a disgusting way of speech." I said, unfortunately loud enough for the messy scum to hear.

Hearing the blatant insult, Alby thought to himself, "What a disgusting set of manners.."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Tania giggled, getting up and sitting on the armrest, hands on tightly to keep her balance. "What's your name?" She said with a smile, clearly Tania was a strange girl.

"Alby", he replied. "So what brings you to this strange place?"
Tania rocked side to side. "Well, Tania's parents own quite a few big countries back at home in Belarus. They have been branching out into a few more countries and since they are doing a big business deal in Russia tonight, they told Tania to attend in their place." She said with a strong accent and a smile. "But Tania is not really sure what we are all doing here... So Tania thought let's eat cake instead!" She giggled. "How about you Alby."
Is everyone here disgusting and unruly?
I thought to myself, looking at the idiotic girl who spoke in third person. I decided to talk to them.
"It is proper etiquette to eat using a knife and fork, and not using hands that make you look like a uninformed child. My name is Rosabelle Elizabeth Dorothy Waltz. YOu may call me Rosabelle. And you are?"
Alby contemplated for a minute, "I guess to live and learn, I came here on my own accord. No real reason, I suppose."
"Say, you're awfully giggly. What has you so happy this day?"
Alby contemplated for a minute, "I guess to live and learn, I came here on my own accord. No real reason, I suppose."
"Say, you're awfully giggly. What has you so happy this day?"

"If you are going to speak to someone properly, you have to learn proper grammar. The correct phrase would be
'Say, you are very laughable. What has made you so happy?'
And I do not appreciate sarcasm from those who don't even understand proper manners.
Alby contemplated for a minute, "I guess to live and learn, I came here on my own accord. No real reason, I suppose."
"Say, you're awfully giggly. What has you so happy this day?"

Tania giggled to herself. "Tania doesn't know... Tania guesses cake just makes her happy!"

She saw one of the girls approach them, she gave somewhat of a scowl at her. "Well Tania likes to eat cake however she likes!" She then regained herself, despite being a bit crazy Tania knew how to be formal, she gave a little bow. "Pleasure to meet you, Mrs Waltz." Tania said with a very slight hint of sarcasm in her voice. Tania pointed to herself. "Tania." She said.
"If you are going to speak to someone properly, you have to learn proper grammar. The correct phrase would be
'Say, you are very laughable. What has made you so happy?'
And I do not appreciate sarcasm from those who don't even understand proper manners.

"Touche, I'm not too fond of those who's definition of proper mannerisms is so narrow myself."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Touche, I'm not too fond of those who's definition of proper mannerisms is so narrow myself."

Regardless of how she acted, Alby bowed out of politeness, "Nice to meet you, I'm Alby." he said kindly.
"Well then, Miss Tania, you will never get higher up in the world if you do not learn how to present yourself properly. And 'Alby'? What a stupid name. Give me your full name and surname."