[Roleplay] Haunted Ball

April looked around to the girl who ran in. "What the... What happened..?" She thought out loud.
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"What do you mean what happened? I walked out of a room..." Oswin was confused on her own actions, she began chewing her hair nervously
"But you... you screamed too, didn't you..?" April ssid, more asking than stating.
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Tania was to busy eating her cake to notice what was going on. She stood up and moved over to the others. April was talking to a girl she had not met yet. "What is going on?"
A scream from across the room caught Mary's attention. She made her way over to a group of people, including the source of the scream. "Is everything alright?" The queen asked, clearly concerned.
Name: Stephanie "Stevie" Blake
Career: Likes reading adventure novels but doesn't have a specific career goal.
Age: 16
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level: 1st class.
Description: Stevie is often solitary. She prefers to be alone but when she can't avoid a social situation, she'll try to hide her annoyance and be nice. Aside from that she is curious, stubborn and can be snarky. Her mother is the CEO of a large company.
Looks (Link Only): The one on the far left.
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Alby peered through the door that Oswin came from.
"It's a void, I can't make out anything nor is there any sound to be heard. Hmm."
Looking back at April, "Nah, nothing that elaborate. It's more like space... but with no stars. So, pitch black." said Alby with a chuckle.
"I-Is that even possible...? Total empriness? That's like... sci-fi stuff or something."
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Alby sighed, "Awh, don't take me seriously. All I'm saying is that it's too dark to see anything."
"Heya Giggle Girl, just wondering if this doorway leads to Narnia."
(I just noticed I got accepted whoops)

Sophia slowly entered the building to see everyone crowded around. "Um... Hello... What did I miss?" She said awkwardly.