"Look, there's a pot with the methods of execution in it. Would you like to pick one, or shall I?"
A small box with pieces of paper is held out in front of me, just barely within reach with the chains on. I hesitate, then close my eyes and pick one out. I know I'm going to die anyway, does it really matter? I open up the piece of paper and read what it says. Hanging. Roxie and Deylia will have to watch me being hung.... wait, did they actually catch Deylia?
"There is a slight issue right now, so whether it gets fixed or not will decide when your execution will be. If it does and everything goes to plan, it'll be tonight, or if not, it'll be tomorrow. I'm sorry you don't have much time. Oh, wait, no I'm not, you traitor Scum."
The guard goes and the door behind him, leaving me me again. A slight issue? Is this something to do with Deylia?
Alone, I lie on the floor, as close to the corner of the room that the chains will allow. Tears start streaming down my face again. I don't believe this... this can't be happening...
I can hear voices outside vaguely, some of the guards are talking outside of the cell. "Escaped?.... no... yes.... many guards as.... this cell... she'll come.... for the traitor..."
I can't make out the whole conversation, but I catch phrases. From what I hear, it sounds like Deylia escaped them. Relief floods through me.
"Who are-" I sit up in the bed as a man walks towards me. "Shh. It will be okay."
I shuffle backwards and reach for some kind of weapon, but can't find one. "It's okay, I'm here to help you."
Please don't come here, Deylia, I silently beg. I know that she's the type of person who probably will, but with so many guards around my cell, I don't want her to risk it.
I lie down, curled up into a little ball on the floor. There's nothing I can do, I'm going to be dead by tomorrow night, and I can't stop it. What I'm worried most about though, is Roxie. I don't know how she'll take watching me being hanged, but I seriously doubt she'll be able to handle it well.
Tears start to fall down my cheeks, and I can't control it. I just want to scream out, but I don't because I know it will just make my situation worse. Apparently my crying as too loud anyway, because a guard comes in and tells me to shut up, threatening me with a sword. "Go on, hit me with it if you want," I tell the guard. "I'm going to die soon anyway, what does it matter?"
"My pleasure, if it'll make you shut the hell up."
Before I can respond, the guard comes at me with his sword, creating a large gash across my stomach. Unable to hold it in, I scream in pain. "Don't worry, you can have new clothes to hide that when your time comes. Don't want to ruin your pretty face for then, do we? Are you going to shut up now, or do you need a little more persuading?"
"Don't worry, we are on the same team."
"You don't smell Lyekari." I mutter. "But then again I am no long Lyekari." The man smiles and steps into light so I can get a good look at him. "My name is Finn. I am here to help you."
"I don't-" "Look, I will spare you the details, but I am going to help you get your friend back." Finn was fairly tall with medium blonde hair hidden by a red hood. His eyes were a golden colour and for some reason, I trusted him.
"Deylia." I mutter.