[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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I follow after Ethan. I cast one last look at the ocean,
If you'll be my boat
I'll be your sea
A depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity
Ebbing and flowing
And pushed by a breeze
I live to make you free
I live to make you free

Goodbye, my hunter. The thought of leaving is bitter, I wish it was salty, like the ocean Orion embraced.
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(Why ya gotta make everything so damn difficult Myst?? xD
@CLS- I'm currently sobbing outside the restaurant... Didnt make it very far; crying too hard to see)
Edit: (currently loving how Ethan swears lol)
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(@Lafiel: How are you following Sage? o_O )

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Why ya gotta make everything so damn difficult Myst?? xD
@CLS- I'm currently sobbing outside the restaurant... Didnt make it very far; crying too hard to see)

(I like making things intense. This is a survival RP not a who can ship who the fastest. ;)

Who knows? Maybe all this drama will force people together.)
I follow Sai, hoping that it's not too late to find Sage before something bad happens. She seems really reckless...
Looking at the city, i see that at least half is on fire, and start to panic.
"its.... fire..... burning..."
I freeze in place, too scared to move.
Looking at the city, i see that at least half is on fire, and start to panic.
"its.... fire..... burning..."
I freeze in place, too scared to move.

"Whatever you name is, I don't know, but just calm down. Be cautious and quick," I instruct everyone.
I turn to the others and say, "You know, i think if were gonna go in,we need water. And my name is dawn, by the way."
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I try to stop crying and think about something, Anything, to distract my mind of what I just witnessed. I pick myself up off the ground and walk to where I see the group. I spot Jean's mop of black hair and sigh. I hope he's not still mad at me... I think.
I wake up the sleeping Sage body for a moment. Perfect. The city is ablaze. Friendships are ruined. Now, everything is going according to my master plan. Just wait until they get to the Haven... that's where the fun will begin... *exits body*

I wake up, confused. That was one weird dream or... was it? Anyways, I should get back to climbing. I walk out to the entrance of the cave and put one foot up and keep moving forward...
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I turn to the others and say, "You know, i think if were gonna go in,we need water."

"Problem, we don't have any fire," I chuckle. Shaking my head, I look around. "Guys, this way," I tell everyone. I lead them all into a bank.
"We'll be fine." I close my eyes and compose myself. I'm not going to lose to ****ing fire. I frown as I follow Ethan, not used to taking orders from a kid.
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I catch up with the group and stop in front of a city. A burning city, I add in my head. A flashback of what I just witnessed sends me sobbing again, and I crumple to the ground in a heap.
Edit: (I love Jean's character :D)
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