[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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I look around in the bank, looking for some sort of thing i can use as a weapon.
I look around and find a few sticks, but they're burnt to a crisp.
At the top of the mountain, I find an abandoned village. Inside one of the huts, there are a few beds. This is the perfect place to crash. It looks safe too. I hope the others are okay. I send a thought to Sai: "I'm sorry... I left... it's not safe to be around me... I hope we meet again in another world... in a better time... under happier circumstances..."
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I curse as I receive the message from Sage. "How the hell am I supposed to send one back?" I mutter.
(Got to go in a min. if anyone wants to use my character you can...just don't make her overly mean or nice, a happy medium is good)

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Y-yeah," I sob, hugging myself.
"Y-yeah, I guess... I'm just s-scared..." I whimper.
(Now would be a good time if Jean awkwardly hugged her :D also, i know :( ))
"I found a back exit here. Let's go this way, I think this street is safer." I call back to everyone else, then proceed forward.
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