[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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I climb up to where Helix is and pat his head, "Was it so hard to wait?"

I glance down, "I think Sage is somewhere on these mountains, it'll be better if we all climb up here."
"Understandable..?" I mumble, seeming to still be out of it.
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"I won't die just because I'm alone." I say. "I have more than enough supplies to last me if I don't have to share them."

"Fine then. I hope everyone else brought their own stuff, because what's mine is mine."
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I sigh, "We never said you had to share them. We've got more than enough food packed for ourselves. Besides, I'm technically a stronger fighter than you now."
(I'll be back soon. Just imagine Helix reluctantly goes with you guys.)
(( i mean we're looking for her so.... ))

(I was expecting more hatred towards her maybe a confession from Helix about her secret... idk... *looks for drama to splash on*)

- - - Post Merge - - -

"I haven't been keeping track, but I'd estimate about 3 and a half weeks."

"Oh..." I lie down on the bed staring at the ceiling. "I guess this is it..."
(I was expecting more hatred towards her maybe a confession from Helix about her secret... idk... *looks for drama to splash on*)

(( but we don't want it to get to the level where we burst in and just kill everything ))

- - - Post Merge - - -

(I'll be back soon. Just imagine Helix reluctantly goes with you guys.)

(( yesss :cool: ))
I can feel my bottled up emotions beginning to spill out.
Suddenly, I burst into tears and cover my face with my hands.
I frown down at everyone from the Top of the mountain, "Helix knows where the Haven is, and Sage is definitely on one of the mountains here. Anyone want to climb up and help look for her." I stare at Jade, " A certain person's power would come in handy right now."

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I shake my head, not uncovering my eyes.
I know that I if I change now, I may not be able to go back because of my panic.
I climb back down the ladder and up a hill. Looked like a park, but, I didn't know.
(( Where is everybody? I'm so confused .-.

I'm currently on top of one of the hills with Helix. I just kind of assumed you all weren't far off. ))
"I-I didn't do a-anything!" I hiccup. "I w-wanted to help Orion, but when I did I c-couldn't..I passed out. I'm u-uuseless.."

( Yes, she's being a crybaby. BUT MY CHARACTERS HAVE MOOD SWINGS OKAY. )
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