[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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I see one of them point at me, and I don't know if this is good or bad. Will they hurt me? I'm not in any condition to fight...

(Bye, CLS!)
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"We're going to rush 'em. If you can turn into your wolf form, you can easily out speed either of them. It's time to get some answers." I turn to Jade and the rest of the group. "So, wanna race?"
"I can do it." I nod determinedly. "Just tell me when."
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"Wait, what if they're friendly, though? If Sage knows whoever that is, she won't like you guys hurting them!"
"Alright, we'll cover for you as you run in, so don't worry." I smile at the group, "On the count of three......"

I roll my eyes as Helix interjects. "We're rushing them, not killing them. We won't actually injure anyone, hopefully. Even then, I can fix it."
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I grin, and morph into a wolf quickly. Instead of my normal, muscular wolf form, this one is lean, built for speed and skill.

I take off. "It's now or never everyone!"
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I take off in the direction of the camp, not having much choice as a captive in the party... I decide that if they're not friendly, I'll let them capture me and do what they want.
I howl, and race forward. I start getting nearer, and I bare my teeth.

( ;D Jasonnnn )
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Looking out the window, I see them rushing towards the hut. If it's her they want, they can take her! I run out the door and run back to my hut and go under the bed. Please don't find me...
With my eyesight, I see someone go inside a hut. Veering off course, I approach the hut, and open the door while on my hind-legs.
I watch as the male runs to a different hut, "I got him, you get whoever is inside the other hut." (Sage)

- - - Post Merge - - -

(( Helix, it is up to you to confront Sage now uwu ))
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I sniff the air. He's in here.
Looking under each of the beds, I spot him, and snarl.
I open the door to the hut as Jade stands by my side. "Can you sniff anyone out?"

I look at Jade as I hear her snarl, "I'm guessing that's a yes."
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I glare at the man, "Get out from under the bed, I at least like to see my opponent."
I grab the scruff of his shirt with my jaws, and drag him out from under the bed to Sai.
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