[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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"So.." I sit on a nearby bed. "What about that that group you left?" I notice she's sleeping again. Wow. I go outside and breathe in the fresh air. Then I notice speks; no, people, in the distance. Could this be her group?
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(( Where is everybody? I'm so confused .-.

I'm currently on top of one of the hills with Helix. I just kind of assumed you all weren't far off. ))
(Jean is with Jade and Ethan, I have no clue where anyone is anymore XD Jean is in his own cleaning fantasies.)

- - - Post Merge - - -

"You're not useless!" I tell Jade. "You can turn into a freaking wolf, you are really powerful."
(Jean is with Jade and Ethan, I have no clue where anyone is anymore XD Jean is in his own cleaning fantasies.)

(( I thought you all were at the bottom of the hill, so then Jade could help us locate Sage ~v~; Helix has a map to haven or somethin' like that ))
I put my hand on Jade's shoulder. "You're not useless at all." I say. "Not to me, y'aren't." I smile.
I make one large sniff, then take a deep breath. I wipe my face with my sleeve, and look defiantly up. "Okay, I can do this. Can we ask Sai to see if I can help in any way?"
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(( I'm honestly typing posts and then deleting most of the text today ; o ;

but yessss ask Sai what she needs help with))
(I don't have a map to haven, I just memorized the crudely-drawn diagram in that book Sage had :p)

(and I'm back)
(Is there any way I can get Jean to pass out or sleep? I need to go to sleep and I don't want to interrupt the story.)
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( I don't knowww ;__; )

I start trotting up to Sai. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
I sit outside and watch the people walk around in a crazy pattern, separating, falling, walking away from each other. Are they looking for something? I turn and look at Sage. They must be looking for her!
I nod and point a hut in the distance. "I think there's someone there, and I bet that Sage is with them. It's not too far away, but traveling as a group is safer. My blasts go long distance, so I can shoot them if they try to run away."
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