[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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(Guys no pls)

I get to the village and it seems deserted, but I obey orders and go into the last hut anyway.
Sage is inside, sleeping on a cot.

(I don't know if Myst is actually still here or not...? lol) EDIT: NVM
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( Holy crap, she went from a sweet mother-figure to a fight-hungry badass )

The wolf drags me out How strong is this thing?! I stand up and wipe myself off. I look pale and skinny.
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My eyes flash at the man, and I sit obediently in front of Sai, looking like a model dog. No, wait, I look stupid. I stop wagging my tail and growl a bit.
(( ORION DIED OKAY ; O ; she liked him a lot I told u all that Sai would be more badass tho.))

I give him a once over, "You're....tall."
Is that a compliment? "Thanks..?" I look down at the wolf jerking her head. Is this thing human, because it's acting like one.
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I grab his arm, "Have you eaten recently? Like, at all?"
"Oh, and secondly, what's your power? I need to know if I have to shank you."

((momma sai is back ))
"N-No, not in a while..." I think about telling her. I don't trust her. I pull my arm away. "Why SHOULD I tell you?"
I tilt my head at Sai, basically saying, can I turn back now?
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"It's not just me, don't worry." I say, backing away and leaning against the wall. "The rest of them dragged me here to come and find you. I myself was looking for the Haven."
"It's not just me, don't worry." I say, backing away and leaning against the wall. "The rest of them dragged me here to come and find you. I myself was looking for the Haven."

"You don't care about the rest of us. I know. Why are you even still around? We don't need your help." I add in a low tone, "I certainly don't."
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I laugh, "Interesting. You look like Orion, but you act like Helix. I could get used to you." I hold out my hand, "I'm Sai, and that's Jade. What's your name?"

I nod at Jade, "Can you go to Helix? I've got everything handled here."
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I roll my eyes, and turn back to my human form in a whirl. "Do I have to go to him? I'm afraid I may tear him limb from limb by accident."

"Ask Sai. I was perfectly content leaving you all and going by myself, but she's holding me captive. And besides that..." I walk closer to her and say quietly, "I want to kill that thing that killed Orion, and you seem like the best lead besides Haven itself."
(@Lafiel: Sai's already over Orion? o_O)

(( Nope. Not at all. She's doing that thing where she wants to be the 'strong one' in the group. This involves her being offensive/bada$$/cracking jokes, etc. On the inside she's still very much that broken healer. aka trying to distance herself from the situation))
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