(Helix is a loose cannon. He's single and ready to mingle XD)
(@Lafiel: come on! Injure sleeping Sage and gather the pain!)
(Helix is a loose cannon. He's single and ready to mingle XD)
(( I FIXED IT <3))
I glance at Michiko, "Don't flirt with people you've just met. Jean love Ethan, and Ethan loves Jean. They're only denying it because they're dorks."
(sry i cant breed and rp at the same time)
(beary u can have control of ans ra)
(dont go crazy with rade there tho)
(Ladies. Gentlemen. I must inform you of the new best ship. JeanxCillitBang. JeanBang. Oh god. That sounds bad.)
(( So this is the status of all ships
Oriai - No confession from Sai yet.
Jans Ra/Rade - Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Ans Ra needs to step up his game. EDIT: Ans Ra 'risks his life' to save Jade from a non-burning building.
Jeathan - Cute Denial
Hood gurl - idk I think they have pet names
Saenix - The both really like sage
Sage/Helix - Both like reading????
JeanBang - Jean has a deep love for Cillit Bang, but Cillit Bang doesn't exit anymore b/c apocalypse.))
( I'm so sad nobody noticed the crossed out part)
( I'm so sad nobody noticed the crossed out part)
"Guys, do you know where Sag-" I stop as I notice her sleeping on the floor. "Guys, are you kidding me? I know I didn't make all that great a first impression, but why did you ONLY carry Sage out? And what about Blood-girl?" I say, putting her down beside Sage. "She never did anything to you guys. She's just an innocent victim, and you were going to let her burn?"
(Helix is so heated and doesn't even realize how wrong he is)
"And now you're..." I watch as Sai injures Sage and heals her. "What the hell is going on here?! And who's the new girl?!"
(I feel kinda silly because I really underestimated the time I would leave. Oh well. XD )
(( I noticed it *3* ))( I'm so sad nobody noticed the crossed out part)
"Woah woah woah." I say. "Don't blame me." I cross my arms. "That place was filthy anyway."I shrug at Helix. "We actually didn't know you three were in the building, or at least, we didn't remember. If anything, blame Jean, he set the building on fire. So, to be honest, we left all three of you to die on accident. That good enough for ya?"