[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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(sry i cant breed and rp at the same time)
(beary u can have control of ans ra)
(dont go crazy with rade there tho)

( >:c We need a shiiip

I leap to Jade's side and proclaim my undying love to her while she drifts into unconsciousness.

I try to help Jade up, but she flops back down. Must be unconscious.
I carry her to her corner and lay her down against the wall.
"Guys, do you know where Sag-" I stop as I notice her sleeping on the floor. "Guys, are you kidding me? I know I didn't make all that great a first impression, but why did you ONLY carry Sage out? And what about Blood-girl?" I say, putting her down beside Sage. "She never did anything to you guys. She's just an innocent victim, and you were going to let her burn?"

(Helix is so heated and doesn't even realize how wrong he is :p )
(It really does CLS. shame on you xD)
"As I said before, I honestly wasnt flirting with him. I just talked to him first because he actually noticed me. None of you even barely looked at me. I could've been crawling on my hands and knees, dying, and you wouldn't have gived a damn." I say, glaring at the floor.
(( So this is the status of all ships

Oriai - No confession from Sai yet.

Jans Ra/Rade - Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Ans Ra needs to step up his game. EDIT: Ans Ra 'risks his life' to save Jade from a non-burning building.

Jeathan - Cute Denial

Hood gurl - idk I think they have pet names

Saenix - The both really like sage

Sage/Helix - Both like reading????

JeanBang - Jean has a deep love for Cillit Bang, but Cillit Bang doesn't exit anymore b/c apocalypse.))

(Oh my god XDDDDD)
I glance at Sage and frown at her message. I'm not going to hurt someone just because I'm low on energy. Oh wait. I would.

I begin to injure Sage and quickly heal her, absorbing the negative energy. I stop as I feel a slight prick of pain. Almost full.
(I feel kinda silly because I really underestimated the time I would leave. Oh well. XD )
"And now you're..." I watch as Sai injures Sage and heals her. "What the hell is going on here?! And who's the new girl?!"
"Guys, do you know where Sag-" I stop as I notice her sleeping on the floor. "Guys, are you kidding me? I know I didn't make all that great a first impression, but why did you ONLY carry Sage out? And what about Blood-girl?" I say, putting her down beside Sage. "She never did anything to you guys. She's just an innocent victim, and you were going to let her burn?"

(Helix is so heated and doesn't even realize how wrong he is :p )

I shrug at Helix. "We actually didn't know you three were in the building, or at least, we didn't remember. If anything, blame Jean, he set the building on fire. So, to be honest, we left all three of you to die on accident. That good enough for ya?"
(I feel kinda silly because I really underestimated the time I would leave. Oh well. XD )

(You can still participate with reaction shots of yourself getting beaten up and healed in your sleep! :D)
I wait by her until her breaking eases, then throw a party blowing up the world again

I stand up, look at her for a long moment, and go back outside.
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I shrug at Helix. "We actually didn't know you three were in the building, or at least, we didn't remember. If anything, blame Jean, he set the building on fire. So, to be honest, we left all three of you to die on accident. That good enough for ya?"
"Woah woah woah." I say. "Don't blame me." I cross my arms. "That place was filthy anyway."
(Applauds Beary <3 also- Lafiel did you see my post? Are you gonna interact with Michiko? Maybe beat her ***? XD)
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