I stand there, waiting for the healer-girl to respond, and I feel wet sticky goo land all over me. what the hell? I think. Is this...what I think it is? No, that'd just be wrong. Must be saliva. Ewww. I try to wipe it off and smear it on the restaurant wall.
I watch as she smears saliva on the CLEAN wall, making it dirty. I stand watching in horror.
( I'm just gonna wait until Jason aka Jawile decides he can RP again. )
(soon, I'm pretty close to getting a perfect bulby)
I stand there, waiting for the healer-girl to respond, and I feel wet sticky goo land all over me. what the hell? I think. Is this...what I think it is? No, that'd just be wrong. Must be saliva. Ewww. I try to wipe it off and smear it on the restaurant wall.
(( So this is the status of all ships
Oriai - No confession from Sai yet.
Jans Ra/Rade - Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Ans Ra needs to step up his game. EDIT: Ans Ra 'risks his life' to save Jade from a non-burning building.
Jeathan - Cute Denial
Hood gurl - idk I think they have pet names EDIT: HELIX RESCUED HER 4 REALS
Saenix - The both really like sage
Sage/Helix - Both like reading???? EDIT: HELIX WAS WORRIED ABOUT SAGE
JeanBang - Jean has a deep love for Cillit Bang, but Cillit Bang doesn't exit anymore b/c apocalypse.))
( Please give Oriai some private time, then something bad will happen and kill Orion. I've been planning multiple deaths for him already )
( Please give Oriai some private time, then something bad will happen and kill Orion. I've been planning multiple deaths for him already )