[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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"Okay, I appreciate the honesty. But still, who's this girl, and why is Sai beating up on Sage while she's defenseless?"
I shrug, "Sage told me I could. Give me your hand and I'll show you why."

"You can't expect us to have infinite love and compassion for you. We don't know anything about you."
I tentatively give her my hand, filling my mouth with saliva in case it's some sort of trick.
"I wasn't expecting that. The least you could've done was at least introduce yourselves for crying out loud. I may be a stand-offish type person, but you could've at least said hey."
"Why won't ya's tell me anything?!" I throw my hands up in the air.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I shrug, "I said hi to Helix when we first met him. Took me stabbing a dagger into him and getting beaten up a bit for cooperation."

I smile at Helix, "Brace yourself." I let the negative energy go, all of it. As I finish, I realize that the pain may be too much for him to bear.

(( She broke at least 4 different bones btw ))
As ridiculous amounts of pain spread throughout my body, I yell out and essentially spit the saliva in my mouth across the entire room. Oops. But I'm not so worried about that at the moment, as I lie twitching on the ground.
(Its FireNinja's character, he had backstory and stuff so I don't want to do stuff out of too much character. If I could make him say it I WOULD.)
I cross my arms and ignore her.

(( I know, but Sai is a frontline shipper here ))

I smile happily at Helix, "I don't need weapons to fight anymore~"
As the pain subsides somewhat, I make an effort and speak. "Use... your... words. Nobody demonstrate stuff to me... anymore..."
(( No, Sai just put Helix in a lot of pain bc he was curious ))

I help him sit up, "I can't exactly heal you, since nothing is broken. Wait awhile, it'll go away."
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