[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

"About the fact that Eucliwood made the spirit thing go away, which may have annoyed it and made it get rid of all the fish."

"Not just the fish. That area of the woods will completely die, as in the trees, grass, everything. And it might spread.." Holo said, not turning from the fire.
"Nobody said you weren't wanted here." Holo snapped. Her temper was too big for this situation. They had to remain calm and try to work together.
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"Let her do what she wants, we can't stop her. I can easily find her with my senses if she doesn't come back." Holo said, laying down in a grassy patch next to the fire in human form.
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"We need to think of a plan for food. If all the plants die too, we won't have any source..." I say, deciding we should probably start working out how exactly we plan to survive.
"We can search for another water source. The other one will likely dry up within a few days." Holo said quietly. "We might just have to go deeper into the woods in the opposite direction of the dying area."
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"If they aren't dead yet, we could try to find some seeds and plant them in a non-dead place. we still have to find food before they grow, and even if we do find seeds, it wont be enough. but maybe it will last a few days."
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