[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

Noticing the people she didn't know, Kyra's face flushed red in embarrassment.
"W-Why didn't I see these people earlier...?!"
I sit down against a tree, and open up my makeshift bag of berries and nuts. "Are you going to share your name with us?" I ask, then pop a few berries in my mouth.
I notice the other girl, the one with rainbow hair, Sat against the tree not talking. Maybe she's shy? I'll not push her, she can join in if she wants, I decide.
Holo interrupted, "Besides, what business is it of yours what other peoples' powers are? You also have some explaining to do." Holo frowned in Eucliwood's face. "I feel like your magic has caused that spirit to become vengeful and has killed off the life at the lake to try and starve us." Holo said, her tail fur rising. She crossed her arms with impatience.