[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

*I hear footsteps, crunching on leaves* "What the hell is that?" I shriek, remembering my encounter with the hand

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Instinctively, I morph into a wolf, frightened
I whip around to face the source of the crunching, and my hand grips the handle of a dagger I keep attached my belt in case of emergencies.
I want to run away, so bad, but I know I have to stay and attack with my friends

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What are we gonna do?!" I yelp out with my limited wolf-voice
As soon as I leap for its throat, the thing gives me an evil smile as I float right through it

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and into a bush of thorns
I strafe around the side of the figure, and attack from behind it with my dagger, attempting to stab it in the back.