[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

My momentum carries me forward too fast to try to stop as I'm warned it's a ghost. As I try to stab it, the dagger just does straight through without harming it, and I stumble forward, falling to the floor.
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Name = Asuna
Gender = Female
Abilities = thinking
Appearance = Shes my profile pic.
Personality = Quirky
Talents = thinking
Name: Holo
Gender: Female
Age: 18


Personality: She can be blunt. She attaches to one person, is very wise.
Sexuality: Straight
Talents: flexible/athletic, hunting.
Powers/Abilities: Shapeshifts into a really large wolf, about 3 times taller than people.
(Since I was in the old rp I'm just going to post.)

Holo had no idea what was going on but people seemed to be afraid of something. She noticed Marie and that freaky girl who didn't talk and walked over to them in wolf form, towering over them before transforming back into her human form to be polite. "What's the matter?" She asked curiously.
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I point towards the figure that we were trying to attack. "I think it's a ghost," I say quietly. "I tried to attack it, but fell through it."
Holo looked at the figure and crossed her arms. "Well at least animals can sense these types of things. It most likely is ghost because of it's aura. However I don't know how we can make it go away." She said, her ears twitching.
Holo looked at the girl who didn't talk. "Telling it to go away is probably counter productive, you know." She pointed out.
(People characters magic issued when she talks that's the reason she writes thing down so when she says it it should disappear and tia are you still going tomrow)

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Holo sighed. "This could be dangerous. Telling it to go away could cause something worse to happen in the future if we anger it." She looked at the sky, thinking. "If we left this place it would follow us most likely."