Holo looked to Marie, she hadn't been around so she has no idea what this thing has done. "Has this spirit posed any threat or caused any harm? I haven't been around to see anything, I've been off on my own." She asked, and then noticed what the girl wrote. "Well you better hope it's gone for good then." She said.
Holo frowned. "Then it was dangerous, we should stay in a group if anything else freaky starts to happen." Her tail swayed in the wind along with her hair.
Holo's stomach began to growl. Her wolf appetite was kicking in and she wanted to forget about this spirit for now. "Is anybody hungry? I could try hunting." She said impatiently.
Holo nodded and then looked at her, "I'll be back later then. Hopefully with something we can all eat." She then transformed into a mighty wolf and took off into the wilderness.
(You could find my character while she's hunting or you can talk to Marie or the girl who doesn't talk and only writes, I don't think other people are on at the moment)
I stand in a tree looking further into the forest. "wha.... WHAT? that wolf is HUGE!" I say, jumping off the tree and flying down infront of the wolf. "Hello wolfy!" I say, staring at the wolf
Holo heard branches crackle and then someone dropped down in front of her. Her fur rose and she instinctively growled since this was so sudden. "How dare you pop out at me!" She said as she shrunk down to her normal human size, crossing her arms.
Surprised at how quickly changed I jumped back a little "How did you do that?" when I saw her arms were crossed, I said "Sorry! anyway, how come your here?"
"theres not much life here, so have fun eating plants for the rest of your l for the rest of your life" I say ?if you do find a rabbit, your probably the luckiest person alive. can I come to your camp for a while? I've been sitting in that tree forever."