[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

Kyra shifted a bit, was someone beside her...?
She felt as if someone was, but she was too sleepy to make out who it was.
She tried to open her hazy eyes and look, but she only succeeded in seeing blurs.
"A..ki...?" She thought.
Kyra opened her eyes wider and blushed.

"O-Oh...! I-It's fine... you can.. sleep next to me, if you want..." She stammered.
(Lol name change.)

I hear Kyra waking up but I am still embarrassed from yesterday, but a shiver makes me get up so now she know's I'm awake.. "Damn." I mutter to myself.
(oh no, no name change haha, me and her were talking over pm and she was wondering how this RP was like, so i offered for her to try ^^ )

Kyra looked at Aki "Are you awake...?"
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