<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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(Imma give Sugarella a chance to save herself before Yuno the psychotic 6-year-old blows up the joint)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yuno turned her head to the open window, hearing shouting. Yumi was still sleeping, so she used her blanket as a parachute and descended down into the streets.
Satoshi heard yelling. Kaida. He thought, as he quickly sheathed his dagger and stood up. He sprinted to the source of the sound. He pulled out his dagger once again, ready to fight a battle if he had too.
Maki had heard the girl yell "Um..well then.." She said to David.
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"Aw come on baby, I'm only trying to have fun." Takumi began to get closer. "Get the **** away from me!" Kaida yelled as she pushed him back. "Don't you talk to me like that!" Takumi yelled back.
Satoshi sprinted on, his eyes filled with worry. He heard more yelling, his pace quickening.

He began to get very close to the source of the sound, his face now showing the worry as well. He held his dagger tight.
She could hear yelling coming from right outside the apartment. She jumped, startled, and ran towards it. As she walked, she dragged her baseball bat with ease.
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Yuno clutched her hand grenade, leaving her suitcase and blanket inside a closet of the hotel. She carved a Y into the wall on the closet so she would know which one it was. She dashed towards the sound of yelling, wanting to find out what was going on. Yuno started hearing the yelling louder and louder, meaning she was getting closer to the sound.
Takumi kicked Kaida in the shin. Kaida grasped her shin, she lost her balance, and fell to the ground. Takumi kicked Kaida in the chest. He spat on her, "Thats what you get for talking back to me."

(This proves to everyone that Takumi is not a nice person. No killing Takumi quite yet.)
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She ran to where she could hear the screaming. She saw Kaida on the ground, clutching her foot. Takumi stood above her, clearly angry. She gasped and slowly started to raise her bat above her head, ready to kill Takumi.
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Yuno dashed inside the apartment building, searching for where the sound was coming from. (What floor are you on :I)
Yumi had woken up from her slumber, yawning and stretching as she got up. "Niko.. Wake up.." She told the boy, he was still in a deep sleep. "Oh, what?" Niko asked, as he got up off the bed. "Where's Yuno?" He asked.

Satoshi found Kaida and Takumi. "Kaida!" He yelled, spotting her on the ground, grasping her shins. He wielded his dagger, holding it tight.
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(Mk) Yuno growled. "Wrong place." she thought to herself, sprinting back outside and nearly crashing into a very angry looking Takumi. She tucked the hand grenade back into her dress ruffles, then searched through each ruffle until she found her shotgun. Yuno pointed it at Takumi, noticing Kaida on the floor, hurt. Her finger was poised on the trigger.
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Kaida was crying, "Why are you doing this?" "You deserve it, you don't talk back to your man ever." Takumi looked at Kaida in disguist.
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She slowly brought it back down, horrified by what was going on. She looked around at the others. Don't they get it? Doesn't Kaida get it?
She knew how bad he actually was, and felt the urge to kill him on the spot.
Yuno reloaded her shotgun, just in case it was low on ammo, then raised it back up to Takumi, aiming right between his eyes. "Step away from her, you misogynist pig. I'm locked, loaded, and I won't hesitate to shoot, a**hole." Yuno threatened, a glimmer in her eyes.
"Kaida!" He yelled.
His glance shifted to Takumi, with a deathly glare.

"What in the name of Christ do you think you are doing?!"
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