<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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"Hi. I've been meaning to tell you.. I have a tiny crush on you. I know, we just met, but it was love at first sight, right? Please tell me you feel the same way." She whispered to Niko, hoping Yuno didn't overhear. Niko was shocked to find out that Yumi also had a crush on him. "I-I feel the same way. It's fine." Niko told her, blushing. He got up, and motioned her to hug him. Yumi got up, seeing Niko's arms out, ready to hug. She hugged him as tight as she could, putting her head on his shoulder.
Kaida began to sing to Max, and it put Max to sleep. Takumi had so many thoughts on his mind. Takumi was staring into space. Why did I really hurt her? I should have been a normal person and tried to build a relationship. Well, all the best people are crazy. This one of his many thoughts.
Yuno had overheard them. The thin, bullet-holed walls didn't do much soundproofing. She tilted her head,fiddling with her dress ruffles. She pulled out a hand grenade. Her only one. She took a blanket out of her suitcase, carrying the blanket, her teddy bear, and her suitcase to Yumi and Niko's room, holding the hand grenade behind her back. Yuno couldn't wait until she was older to find someone to kill for. Since she hadn't met them yet, she would just do the killing beforehand.
Satoshi paced around, back and forth. He didn't trust Takumi.

You aren't who we think you are. Something is up, I can feel it. You aren't who we think you are.

He looked around. Throughout his thoughts, everyone left him alone. He sat under a tree, once more.
"Hit the road Jack, Don't come back no more no more.." Kaida started to sing quieter. Takumi looked at Kaida, "I'm so sorry, I really am." Takumi heard her soft song. "I like your song." Kaida looked at him, "Sorry doesn't remove the pain you caused." Kaida started to pet Max's head. "Thank you." Kaida replied.
She walked back to where everyone was, realizing her flashbacks had made her pass out. She sighed in front of the apartment and stepped inside, taking careful notice of Satoshi sitting out in front of a lone tree.
Yuno approached the bed, waiting for the right time to whip out the grenade, pull the pin, and escape. She would have to kill for whoever she would love in the future. "This is necessary." Yuno thought to herself. "Plus, they deserve it for all of their lovey-dovey eyes and blushing. It's like they're trying to taunt me, 'Nah-nah-nah-boo-boo, we're old enough to love.' I won't have it. This is for whoever my love will be in the future. If you can hear me... this is for you, my future darling!"Yuno tightened her grip on the grenade, ready to say her last few words to Yumi and pull the pin.
Satoshi pulled out his dagger and ran it along his skin, on its flat side. I could end it now...and see them once more. He thought, as he looked at it. His eyes were empty and sorrowful.
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Kaida didn't want to look at Takumi, I love him, but I hate him at the same time.. Kaida thought to herself. Takumi looked at Kaida and saw her avoiding him. Takumi stood up, "I can leave you alone for some time if you want." "Do what you want, but come back." Kaida sighed. Takumi walked around the main area where everyone was.
As she started to walk upstairs, she could hear murmuring. She wrinkled her nose and ran back down. Who knows what those people are up to? She though with a silly smile on her face. She walked outside into the desolate city.
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Kaida began to start crying again. Max woke up and looked at Kaida, he licked her hand. Kaida looked at him and started to smile, "Oh Max, what should I do?" Kaida asked Max, not expecting a response. Takumi continued to walk around.
(K Imma just blow Yumi and Niko up if they don't respond soon, in the meantime Imma make a second character)
Username: Ellaofdarkview
Name: Akemi Uryuu
Age: 23
Personality: Tough, independant, stubborn, under all that tough exterior, there's a soft side somewhere, was stabbed in the left eye by a bomber, always carries some sort of bomb, will hurt people if it's needed.
Other: Her outfit is a black vest with the zipper slightly open at the top, beige-green cargo pants, black boots, and her signature grey-purple eyepatch.
(K Imma just blow Yumi and Niko up if they don't respond soon, in the meantime Imma make a second character)
Username: Ellaofdarkview
Name: Akemi Uryuu
Age: 23
View attachment 155999
Personality: Tough, independant, stubborn, under all that tough exterior, there's a soft side somewhere, was stabbed in the left eye by a bomber, always carries some sort of bomb, will hurt people if it's needed.
Other: Her outfit is a black vest with the zipper slightly open at the top, beige-green cargo pants, black boots, and her signature grey-purple eyepatch.

Yuno stopped for a second, gathered her things, carefully hid the hand grenade, and stopped to think about whether or not she was ready to blow up the person who had given her a home. Yuno closed her eyes and eventually fell into a restless sleep.
(K Imma just blow Yumi and Niko up if they don't respond soon, in the meantime Imma make a second character)
Username: Ellaofdarkview
Name: Akemi Uryuu
Age: 23
View attachment 155999
Personality: Tough, independant, stubborn, under all that tough exterior, there's a soft side somewhere, was stabbed in the left eye by a bomber, always carries some sort of bomb, will hurt people if it's needed.
Other: Her outfit is a black vest with the zipper slightly open at the top, beige-green cargo pants, black boots, and her signature grey-purple eyepatch.

(blow them ella is sleeping now)
Kaida took a deep breath, "I'll stay with him, and try to change him." Max let out a silent whine, he thought it was a bad idea. Kaida wiped away her tears and stood up, Max stood up aswell. Kaida walked towards the apartment building, she leaned up against it and lit up a cigarette.
(Sorry I haven't done anything in a while :p had to sleep)
Maki was walking around town, thinking of the mistake she had made. "I'll be alone..I could die because if that mistake..I know this isn't me, wanting to say hi..but I will..I'm lonely.." She grabbed her stuff that she had left behind earlier, and went walking. "Brr...it's cold.." Maki said, wrapping the hoodie around herself. "I'm going to say my name is aikusana..then once I get to know them better..reveal who I really am..hopefully..um..what was his name again? Ah yes, David, won't recognize me." She came near a hotel. "I'm going to see them in the morning.." Maki walked around the hotel remains looking for a decent room. Then she saw him-David. The sooner, the better I guess! she thought to herself. She said," um..hi..David, was it? I'm really sorry about earlier.." Getting ready to run if needed
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