<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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Satoshi smiled as he picked up a large peace of rubble. He saw a warehouse, it was barely standing.

"Hey, there could be supplies in there!" He yelled, pointing at it. "Let's go look!" He ran inside, unaware of any repercussions.
Akise slid to a stop, feet blistered, and cautiously walked into the dark warehouse. "See anything?" she asked, adjusting her eyes to the dark.
"It's a little dark..but..." He looked further and saw a single water bottle. He ran to grab it. He picked it up and returned to Akise, careful of his movements. "All I found. Take it, I don't need it."
Akise screwed the cap open and looked at the water. It was shiny, as if it was covered in oil, but Akise thought nothing of it, thanked Satoshi, and took a sip.
"We should probably go now, it seems as if this warehouse would collapse at any given moment." He exited the warehouse, waiting for her to come along.
Akise nodded, walking out of the warehouse and practically chugging the water. She was exhausted from sprinting through town.
"Let's take it slow this time, I doubt either of us have the energy to run anymore." He said, and without realizing he grabbed her hand, whilst walking along.

(Yep, I went there :p)
(Pffbt) Akise gave a small smile, taking it as a friendly gesture, and continued walking along, looking at the rubble of what used to be her hometown.
Satoshi noticed his hand. He quickly pulled it away. "S-Sorry.." He said, as he walked on. The remains of what was once a thriving town were everywhere. He sighed at the sight of it all. "It's a shame.."
"Oh, it's quite alright. I didn't take it as anything, I know you're a loyal man to Kaida." she said, still looking at the broken buildings and recognizing her old favorite shop. "It really is..." she pointed at the shop. "That used to be my favorite boutique. Look at it now..." Akise murmured wistfully, remembering the happy times with her friends, trying on clothes that were too expensive for her.
"What about Kaida? We aren't a couple...she was just drunk. That's all."

He looked at the boutiques remains. "Maybe we can find some clothes...why not have a little fun scavenging?" He asked. "You never know what could be under the rubble.."
Akise smirked at Satoshi's remark about Kaida. "Had me fooled," she chuckled. "Anyway, let's take a look," Akise suggested, carefully stepping through the giant hole in the glass door.
"Well, she won't remember it." He replied.

He stepped into the boutique after her, having to bend over far because of his height. He looked around in the rubble, trying to find what he could. He was determined to find her something.
Akise started to dig through the rubble that was near the hair accessories isle, looking for the expensive red rose hairclips that she was never able to afford. She wouldn't have to worry about money now. Akise kept digging, but still found nothing.
Satoshi kept on digging, and felt fabric. He slowly uncovered it. It was a beaten, old ball gown. It was slightly ripped. He removed the rubble from it and pulled it out.

"Found somethin'!" He called out.
Akise continued digging for the rose, not looking up. "What's it look like?" she asked, searching for even a trace of red.
"See for yourself; these shades are far too distinctive for me to know, anyway." He called back. He held it up for her. "Want it?" He asked. "I definitely don't need it."

- - - Post Merge - - -

(it's so late lmao)
"See for yourself; these shades are far too distinctive for me to know, anyway." He called back. He held it up for her. "Want it?" He asked. "I definitely don't need it."

- - - Post Merge - - -

(it's so late lmao)

(1:10 am here. Barely tired XD)
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