<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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(Yeeeah Im not tired) Akise turned around, looking at the ballgown. "Oh my god..." She murmured, walking over to the dress. It was black, with a small ruffle around the wide neckline and the top of the short sleeves. Larger ruffles occupied the skirt. Akise looked closer and discovered a pair of black evening gloves and a black choker with a red oval gemstone hanging off of the tag. "It's beautiful... I could just clean it up a bit, sew the tear..."
"Take it." He said, smiling. He handed it to her. "Found everything you want, or would you like to dig for more?"

He was determined to find anything she needed.
"Really?" she wondered, holding the outfit. "Thank you so much..." Akise looked up, smiling wide and eyes bright."If you don't mind, I'd like to look for one more thing." Akise looked at the tag. "Twilight Evening Full Set: Dress, Gloves, Choker, and Headband." Akise squinted at the headband in the picture, then started digging.
"Wel, I don't really know what you're talking about, but I'll try to find it." He said with a smile. He liked her smile, so he tried his best to find it for her to keep her smiling. He dug, and dug, and dug some more. His efforts didn't feel worthwhile, but he kept going.
Akise's hands were starting to get scuffed when she finally found the headband. "Aha!" she said, holding it up with a triumphant grin. "Sorry you had to dig for nothing. Thank you for finding the dress." Akise surprised him with a hug, then carefully carried her outift out of the shattered door, happy as could be.
"I guess this was a successful scavenge." He said, smiling. He held out a hand to help her up. "Let's go back, I'm pretty damn tired." He smiled.
He walked back, and arrived at the camp. "I'm going to sleep, g'night!" He called over to her as he walked to a lone tree, leaned up against it and fell asleep.

"G'night!" she called back. Once he was asleep, she pulled out two blankets from the emergency bag she had with her, and draped one over Kaida and one over Satoshi. It was a chilly night, and she didn't want them waking up cold. She checked her bag for one more, but there wasn't one. She sighed, spreading the outfit she found out on the concrete and sleeping on top of it.
(Gnight :))
Kaida woke up she put her hand on her head, she winced. "Ugh.. What happened last night?" Kaida asked herself. Kaida remembered her painful rejection, and she started to cry.
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Akise slowly woke up, then got up. She drank some surprisingly cold water to wake herself up, then rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Akise looked over at Kaida. "Good mor- Oh! Is there something wrong?"
Kaida looked over to Akise, the only thing she could remember from last night was meeting her. "I was just remembering my painful rejection, he doesn't know how much I love him.." Kaida replied between tears.
Akise sighed and shook her head. "Well, someday he'll have to realize. Maybe he just needs more time to think about all this, I mean, finding out that someone loves you can be hard to wrap your head around when they first tell you. Sometimes it just feels like a dream." Akise suggested, trying her best to console her.
"I see," Kaida replied. Kaida put her head into her knees, and sighed.
Satoshi awoke. He stood up and stretched. He was ready for another day, until he saw Kaida. He remembered yesterday, and remembered the pain of loving her. It seemed like a clear path to hell to try and hold his love back, but he did. It hurt him. He fought back a large wave of tears, trying to be strong.
Max put his head on Kaida's feet. Kaida still had her head in her knees, but she put her hand on his head. "I'll take you by suprise," Kaida sighed to herself.

(I have a few suprises up my sleeve :rolleyes:)
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Akise looked at both of them, seeing how pained both of them looked, and figured they needed a moment. "Good morning, Satoshi. I'll just be out looking to see if I can find anything for breakfast." Akise said, walking out in her scavenged outfit and wielding a shotgun in case she came across any enemies, or live food.
(My new character since Takumi is ded.

Username: P o c k y
Name: Melanie
Age: 13
Personality: Paranoid, crazy, a little weird. Melanie can be sweet, and friendly if you get on her good side.
Other: Melanie was bullied when she was younger because of her teeth, (gap tooth) so she’s pretty self-conscious about that. Melanie is Bipolar, so her emotions can get out of control, and change in an instance. Melanie carries a Colt Python around with her, she doesn’t really hide it.

Melanie wandered the streets, I thought I hear a gunshot a few days ago.. Melanie thought to herself.
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