<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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Kaida walked a far from the others.

Takumi slid out from the Alley-way he was planning to jump her on. Oh she is a great looker for sure. Takumi put his arms around her neck, pulling her back.
She looked behind her, still seeing David. "Just, um, s-stay here and pretend we're talking or something." She mimed words with her mouth.
Kaida started to scream, nobody could hear her screams though. Takumi put his hand over her mouth to silence her screams. "You're coming with me now." He whispered into her ear. Kaida began to flail around, Takumi has his grip on her strong. Max was far behind, he wasn't paying attention and at the last minute he realized Kaida was taking a walk.
Takumi began to drag Kaida. Kaida started to cry, all she wanted to do was go on a simple walk. Takumi picked up Kaida bride style still having one arm around her neck and over her mouth. Takumi started to pick up his pace.
Satoshi read her lips and mimed words back, leading to a heated verbal mime-talk battle. He tried forcing his point across.
Max finally caught up to Kaida, he saw Kaida crying and being dragged away. Max snarled at Takumi. "Oh **** is that yours?" Takumi asked silently. Kaida was silently sobbing.
She giggled to herself. "Nice miming." She said sarcastically. "Hopefully he's not watching anymore." She started to walk in the direction she saw Kaida go, worried. She was rude, yes, but still a survivor.
He followed. "You only requested the best." He bowed.

"I never caught that other girls name, I don't think she said it. Did she?" He asked, obviously a little confused. His face hit a branch in a tree, as he wasn't paying attention, instead looking down at her.
Takumi began to run. Max ran after Takumi. After a long time of running, Takumi made his way to an empty apartment building, he crawled inside and pushed some rubble away, revealing stairs to a whole other place. He put the rubble back on top of the opening. Max collasped when he was almost by Takumi's place. Max started to whine, hoping someone would hear him.
"Actually, I'm not quite sure." She said, watching him hit the branch. "That was real smooth, by the way." She continued down the path, but saw not a single trace of her.
"Shut up, you don't know what it's like to be 6"9." He replied, annoyed. "You're so short, it hurts my neck to look down at you."

He heard a dog whimpering, as he was drawn towards it. He walked faster, and saw the lone dog by itself. It was Kaida's dog.
Max looked up at Satoshi, and his head quickly fell down because he was so weak.
She glared at him. "I'm 5 feet! Perfectly average." She saw the dog that Kaida had with her, now alone. She approached it as calmly as possible, sticking her fist out for the dog to sniff.
Satoshi calmly approached the dog. He slowly knelt before him and stuck a hand out for him to sniff, confused as to why he was alone.
Max sniffed both of the hands, you could tell in his eyes something was wrong. Something was wrong with Kaida, to be exact.
Satoshi looked into the dogs eyes. Something was very wrong. "Ah, what was your name...Max, wasn't it?" He asked.

"Great, I'm going crazy, talking to dogs." He muttered, quietly.
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