[Roleplay] The Exiled - MOOOOOOOOOOOOO

".. Anything's fine with me. Although you look pretty tasty, if I do say so myself."
"Alright, I hope you like Chinese food, cause that's what we're having." I reply, as I exit the bathroom.

"Okay, we're here, Ceph." I say as I enter the Panda Express.

I go up to the cashier, and order myself some food. "What do you want, Ceph?"
"...Everything? Geez, how much money do you think I have!?"

(Mark thought Ceph said everything instead of anything.)
Ceph seemed slightly confused, but ignored that.

"Oh well, if you want to have everything, then I'll just buy you a buffet ticket." I purchase the ticket and hand it Ceph.
"...Why are you whispering? ...Uh, anyways, you can get anything with that ticket, so it still works, I guess." I back away from Ceph, since he was invading my personal space.
I sigh. .... Great, just great. All I needed was a kid's meal.. Buffet size, eugh...
"Uh, anyways, I'll be sitting over here." I roll over to a table and begin to eat my food.
"K- Kay..."

I slowly grab a small plate of food. "... It really is a waste of money to buy a buffet ticket..."
"Haha, don't worry Ceph, I don't mind wasting a bit money." I say as I eat my food.
"So Ceph, what did you do before you were kicked out of the city?"
".. I was a part-time student." I glance down at my food and take a bite.

... That's it, Ceph, just ignore all the MSG they put in this.