[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"Of course not. I only have eyes for you." I add with a smirk.

"Ew. No. I hate Blaze, you know that right?"

I jump from the bed, healed by her words, and make out with her right then and there.

"Yooooouuu... hate fires?" I am confused. "Why are we in a big refrigerator...?"

I jump from the bed, healed by her words, and make out with her right then and there.

"Yooooouuu... hate fires?" I am confused. "Why are we in a big refrigerator...?"


(lmfao. I'm dying with laughter.)

I facepalm. "Blaze is the demon... You really are something else..."
"Making sure Jean doesn't kill himself in more ways then he's already discovered. In all seriousness, I was saying hi to Sai."
( I'm all up for Jarmen tho
and they already know eachother so it makes it better )
"I'm not violent. Not all the time anyways." I finish up my food and get up to take away my plate.

- - - Post Merge - - -

( I'm all up for Jarmen tho
and they already know eachother so it makes it better )

(Uhh... incest? o_O )
(He threw away the empty syringes in the trash. Don't look in there. The empty box is sitting in his office with a note from the boss.)
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(lmfao. I'm dying with laughter.)

I facepalm. "Blaze is the demon... You really are something else..."

"Ooooohhh... okayy... why is your face all rainbow-y...?" I grab Sage's face and pull it closer. (( :rolleyes: ))