[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

(( For Sai, it's like all of the negative energy was released into her body.

Sai heals someone and then stores the energy into a 'bottle'.
That bottle just broke and is releasing everything into her right now. ))
I notice Sai in pain too. "Sai! Are you okay-" I try and grab her arm to comfort her, but my fire comes rushing out onto her arm. "Crap, what the hell! Argh, my head!"
((Did Sage strike out? lmfao))

(Did Helix fall asleep? He can always notice the change in her tone. Lmfao)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I move from my spot by the door, feeling triumphant, and go lie down on my bed, pretending to be asleep.
"Sai, how can I help you?!" I panic. "Could I- Karyū no- " I cover my mouth. The words are just coming out, what the hell- "Hōkō!!!" (Fire Dragons Roar). I realise a huge amount of fire from my mouth, but aim it away from Sai.
Wait... this won't do... they'll find and blame me... I open my window, and start to climb out, sneakily walking off to the parking lot.
(Did Helix fall asleep? He can always notice the change in her tone. Lmfao)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I move from my spot by the door, feeling triumphant, and go lie down on my bed, pretending to be asleep.

((oh, kk :p))

"Uhh...? Wanna stayy...?" ((idfk))
I start pacing back and forth, agitated.

"Jeeeaaan, get outta my closettt...stop eatin gmeeeeezzzz"
I take out my phone and speed dial Gio.

"G-Gio. He—help."

"Hold on, I'm tracing your number now, what's going on?"

"Ju-just come."

I let out a yelp as the pain becomes unbearable.
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"Sai, how can I help you?!" I panic. "Could I- Karyū no- " I cover my mouth. The words are just coming out, what the hell- "Hōkō!!!" (Fire Dragons Roar). I realise a huge amount of fire from my mouth, but aim it away from Sai.

(( #sweg
Burn Blaze's apartment xD ))
Wait... this won't do... they'll find and blame me... I open my window, and start to climb out, sneakily walking off to the parking lot.

I hear the window open. "BLAZE!!!!!!!!!" I scream, burst through his door with flames.
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( idefk anymore )

My voice can be heard through the door. "Jeeean...JeeeeeEEEEAAAAAAN..!"
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