[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

(nope. You can find it after your drug trip. Keep it in mind though.)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I walk over to the others, letting out a big yawn. "I am beat. I'll be in my room, okay?" I don't want to be around when the liquid kicks in...
"Yeah it is, yeeeaaaaahhh..... it's all sparkly too..." I put my forehead against hers. "Are you reeeeeeading my miiiiind.........?"
"Yeah, I think she's crushing on Blaze..poor Orion.." I mutter.

My voice echoes from the other room.
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"Should I come back later? You're kinda creeping me out."

I pat her on the head. "Okaayyy... nighty-night. Say hi to the super-doctor and the girly-wolf... and the rest..."
I sharply inhale as a headache starts, What the hell?

I groan as the sharp pain spreads throughout my body, "J— Jean."

Oh ****, it's getting worse. Oh ****. Oh ****.