[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"Side effects of being drugged." I explain with a shrug.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(How will Gio know when Blaze is there?)
I pause as I hear steps from outside. I burst out the apartment, "YOU PIECE OF **** oh my god you're that guy."

- - - Post Merge - - -

(( he just knows :cool: ))
(I read through, I think I get what's going on. Also. Omg. The emotion.)
(How do I get the recently c*ck blocked Jean to join in? I expect her wants to set fire to Blazes' face right now.)
I pipe up. "He certainly is one heck of a charmer. And yeah, that's the guy."

- - - Post Merge - - -

I pull my phone out and call Jean.
"No, no, I won't." My voice is shaky, "This man is a full fledged ass. He listened to me talk about you, Sai. He gave me advice on how to make you feel better, and the next thing I know he's making you cry!"
I check my phone that was ringing, right now I am sitting on a park bench, sort of embarrassed about earlier.
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"Ugh... Just leave us alone!" I walk over and attempt to punch Blaze in the face.

I watch Sage approach and I'm immediately able to grab her fist before she can punch me. I push her away. "I have a right to live here. Or did you forget that?"

"**** you!" I spit out.

"Keep talking like that and you'll be sorry."
(( if they're gonna fight Jean needs to get here fast))

"Gio, please. Everyone needs to calm down."
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"I never called her feelings a joke. After all, I was only doing my job. Following a script, if you must know."