[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

Feeling a lot of rage because not only last night was I drugged and turned into the human flame again, I also got rejected! Angry, I rush over to Blazes' apartment, get to the wall outside his door and shout. "I'M HOME!" I punch the wall with my fire fist.
"So you're like dad...." I try to contain my rage.

"Gio, stop. I should've known better, okay?"

I laugh hysterically. "You ALWAYS say that. YOU WERE JUST ****ING CRYING! NOT EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT!"
"Sai, can I please attack this b*stard?"

"Hey! Language! If you attack me, I'll have to attack back." I add smugly.
I pull the sword out of my pocket where I kept it.

"Why don't I get any say in this?"

I run towards him and start cutting at his flesh.

I throw her off me but she keeps running back.
Several cuts later, I'm a bloody mess. I get tired of this battle and push Sage off me. I wrap my hands delicately around her throat. "You think this is easy, do you? You can't attack without taking a few hits of your own." I say as I slowly tighten my grip.
I sigh as I watch Sage attack Blaze.

This is why it's bad for me to love.

But do you regret it? Do you regret that you loved him? Do you feel regret over still loving him?

No. Strangely enough, I don't regret falling in love with him.
Several cuts later, I'm a bloody mess. I get tired of this battle and push Sage off me. I wrap my hands delicately around her throat. "You think this is easy, do you? You can't attack without taking a few hits of your own." I say as I slowly tighten my grip.

( NOTICE JEAN SENPAI!!!!!! )"Karyū no Tekken!!!!!!! (fire Dragons iron fist) I punch Blaze square in the face with my fire hands.

( I watch to much Fairy Tail -.- )
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I fall back a few feet and my grip on Sage is loosened. "Back for round two?" I ask Jean.

- - - Post Merge - - -

My airways open up as air rushes in. "This isn't over yet..." I say right before I collapse to the ground.