(( omfg good luck friend
I'm just about to crash for the night ))
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Dat double post tho
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(( wait is jean ever going to find out that Ethan is dead? ))

(( omfg good luck friend
I'm just about to crash for the night ))
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Dat double post tho
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(( wait is jean ever going to find out that Ethan is dead? ))
(( omfg good luck friend
(( wait is jean ever going to find out that Ethan is dead? ))
(We should make it so the people who killed him was Jean's dadBut idk, I don't know how Jean was to find out.)
Not able to hold back anymore, I quickly move down and passionately kiss him on the lips. OMFG WHAT AM I DOING?!?!?!
(( seriously tho
Ethan is dead
Jean doesn't even see the note tbh ))
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(( I thought the cops killed him? ))
( That escalated quickly. )
( That escalated quickly. )
(It was all a bunch of crap for an ending to the ship. I just want Jean to be happy :,( )
(( we all do ; o ;
Jean can see Ethan on the news or something? ))
(Yeah, I might do that. Jean is going to be devastated tho. )
(( we can also make it so that he just never runs into Ethan ever again ))
(It's up to Fuzzling I guess. I just want everyone to fall in love and go on a big date together :3333)(( how is Blai going to work out?
Are we going to kill Orion/put him in an accident?
Or is everyone just gonna move on?
So many questions щ(゚Д゚щ) ))
(( how is Blai going to work out?
Are we going to kill Orion/put him in an accident?
Or is everyone just gonna move on after the breakup?
So many questions щ(゚Д゚щ) ))
( I thought this up last night. ^~^ He gets tired of being used by Jean's dad and goes insane and suicides. ;D )
( I thought this up last night. ^~^ He gets tired of being used by Jean's dad and goes insane and suicides. ;D )
(( Jean's dad (totally not someone edited from pokemon)
View attachment 63631))
((#tru(The apple fell far from the tree tbh XD)