[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I run up to Jean and hug him, "Thank you." I close my eyes, "How am I going to tell Orion? ****."
"If he still loves you, then you should probably tell him face to face. Tell him what you told me and I'm sure he will understand!" I say, hugging her back in a friendly way, but making sure I don't hug to tight incase she is dirty. "I hope this all works out for you. You deserve someone that you love."
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I smile, "Thank you, Jean. I'll set up a date with Orion as soon as I can get ahold of him. You're right, words only only have meaning if you have the strength to say them."

(( idk where to go with this fuzzling isn't online ))
I smile, "Thank you, Jean. I'll set up a date with Orion as soon as I can get ahold of him. You're right, words only only have meaning if you have the strength to say them."

(( idk where to go with this fuzzling isn't online ))

(Ha, I might have Jean slide out of this and let you wait for Fuzzling to come online. I want to watch what happens :3)

"Yeah, it's-" I hear my phone ring and I pick it up. "Urgh, it's my dad, I have to go." I start backing away.
(( look at that fuzzling's here and oh **** it's 4 am))

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Gio, we're leaving."

"Where are we going?"


"Got it, I'll meet you there."

((~Sai and Gio go home~ ))
(( I used to think that RPing was weird and then I started RPing.
Now I'm like:


asdfghjkl; ))
(( I used to think that RPing was weird and then I started RPing.
Now I'm like:


asdfghjkl; ))

(I've seen the light for like a full year now >.< RPing is love, RPing is literally my life.)
(As we wait, I start thinking of AU's. All I can imagine is all the characters gender bended XD)
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(( xD

Ans Ra could be a Pharaoh Hound, and Jade would be a wolf. Orion would be a Golden Retriever, and Grayson would be a Labrador. Kurai the Yorkie and Elizabeth the bloodhound ))

- - - Post Merge - - -

(( Have you all seen the ssb4 3ds XL yet? .-. ))
(( xD

Ans Ra could be a Pharaoh Hound, and Jade would be a wolf. Orion would be a Golden Retriever, and Grayson would be a Labrador. Kurai the Yorkie and Elizabeth the bloodhound ))

(OMFG, this needs to be real (I have to write this all now omfg) and we need this to happen in it ->

http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view6/2711879/cat-boxing-dog-o.gif (Careen)
http://i.imgur.com/KWZhgGV.gif (Rade)
http://cutestuff.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/dog-cleaning-bunny.gif (Blai))