[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

*hands him 3ds xl*
Blaze: wtf is this ****?

~ Beyonc? Crossing ~ :rolleyes: ))
(CLS asked for this, you got it. Gonna make my death happen like The Outsiders)

Suddenly I just became angry at myself. I just couldn't...bring myself to want to live anymore. I was mad at myself, my family, everyone...after the entire dream that I had, I just felt completely useless. Then, I decided on it. I wrote a note, left it on the couch, and headed out for the convenience store to rob.

To whom it may concern,
I have chosen to live my life a different way. I just couldn't make myself happy enough to move on in this world. By the time you read this, I am mostly like on the streets, my limp body bleeding. Goodbye all of you, especially Jean. And Jean, I just want to let know...I loved you.


Running, running, and running, and then the police have me cornered. I pull out my pistol that was unloaded and aim at one of the officers. Then they open fire, and I am dead.

(This post is not meant to reflect any feelings from anyone, and is not intended to reenact any past or future event in the real world. K good.)


Fire, why. I was gonna make Orion suicide, I can't deal with him. D:< )
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(( can we just
you could make it so that he couldn't handle the stress of normal life again or something?? ))

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(( tbh that note was worse the second time ))

(Or he could get upset Sai broke up with him so he kills himself :O )
(( You know you dun screwed up when you wish Tokay to have a good sleep and stay awake until he wakes up ))

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(Or he could get upset Sai broke up with him so he kills himself :O )

(( but it doesn't seem like something Orion would do tbh
He'd probably die in an accident rather than suicide ))
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(( can we just
you could make it so that he couldn't handle the stress of normal life again or something??

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(( tbh that note is worse the second time ))

( I have BIIIG NEWWS guys! I'm letting Blai set sail! :D )

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( -Goes to rejected ships club and breaks down door- BLAI WE NEED YOU -Drags Blai out and into the ship tags- )
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(( I will never love you more than I love you today ))

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(( totally worth staying up till 5 ;D ))

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(( I feel like I need to sleep now .-. ))

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X3 heheh *purrs*


just found this on dA
I thought it was funny, but I have a weird sense of humor ))

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(( watch me make a long post of post merges ))
(I think I made Jean go home, so he is probably dancing around the mansion with a broom stick right now, wishing he could be taller. Is anyone going to post anything XD)
(( I don't know

I found this tho

I originally used it for Jeathan, but Careen works too ))
( -SAI- I'm still on page 248. ;~; )

(( omfg good luck friend

I'm just about to crash for the night ))

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Dat double post tho

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(( wait is jean ever going to find out that Ethan is dead? ))
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