[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

(( ahh I'm sorry if I'm intruding, but is it alright if I join now? Is it too late? If it is, that's okay I'm ju st asking , , , , ))
"Helix... I don't care anymore... we will be reunited... trust me..." A sad smile crosses my sleeping face.
I feel a tear begin to trickle down my face. I quickly wipe it away. I should focus on helping Blaze get better. ..... I'll find a way to fix this.

My heart pangs.
I lie easily, "I'm good. Thanks for asking." Guess I was a liar... I smirk unknowingly.
"No..." I say. "I... l-love you... but I c-can't kill myself and l-leave everyone else behind..." I hug her tighter and cry harder.
I laugh sadly at him then say, "Helix. I have a confession to make. I lied to you. I am alive." Tears start to flow down my face in and out of the dream.

(Gio can see it too.)
I raise an eyebrow. "And lying will help you how....?"

Lia, I need you. Please.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I watch Sage begin to cry. "Whoa."
"Sorry..." I say, lightly blushing. Damnit... she's good at catching lies... how many did I tell before?
"N-no... I c-can't... I don't b-believe you... I s-saw you... I shouldn't h-h-have fallen asleep again..." I say, heartbroken...

I shoot up, awake. I look around the room and sigh. I sit in silence.
My tears continue to fall as he leaves... yet... I'm still in here... why?

(She's crying inside and outside the dream.)
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"No need to be embarrassed. Any more questions?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

I glance at the clock.
"Why is there a gun in my room?" I ask in a joking manner, "Did you try to kill me or something?"
I run my hand through my hair. ".... No. You, uh, tried to kill yourself." I stare at the ground.

****, what if he hates me now?
I ask, growing confused, "Why would I kill myself...?" What I wouldn't do for a drink right now... I'm so thirsty...
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"People weren't supportive of you and I coming even remotely close to each other. You..... convinced yourself that you were in the way of my happiness." I laugh. "This is like an awkward modern day Romeo and Juliet...."
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