[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"... I'm sorry, Blaze. I'm so sorry..." Tears roll down my cheek as I inject the contents of the syringe into Blaze.

I shouldn't have done this.... taking away his one chance to be normal...
As the strange liquid is injected into me, I feel a major headache coming on. I clutch my head with both hands in vain to try to stop the pain. It gets to be too much and my vision starts to blacken. Next thing I know, I'm out.
I watch Blaze pass out. "I— I'm so stupid.... I should've let him lead a normal life. He's better off without me...." I pull the syringe out of his skin.
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"First of all, I'm not on Mitch's side. You could actually call us rivals. Second of all, my sister is friends with Jean and Carmen. A few others they know are here too like Sai and Helix. I know I'm asking for a lot but I promise you'll be safe. After you arrive, I'll be working on arrangements to bring Jean and Carmen over. I had already called Carmen but he wanted to arrive last with Jean. Jean's coming last since it'll be hard to sneak him with Mitch being his father and all..."
I crumple on the floor and begin to silently sob.

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I'd have to leave Jean-sama...? "There's a major problem with that, Mitch has Carmen. Jean and I didn't realise till it was too late to stop him taking him..."
I sigh. "Really? ****... this ruins everything... Do you two think you could track him down? Just try not to overuse your powers... There might be some negative side-effects because the powers you were given weren't exactly 100% safe."
"If it isn't too much, I would really appreciate it."

I look up as the door opens. The guard walks in and says, "Boss, one of the amnesia vials is missing."

I cover the mouthpiece of my phone with my hand and say, "I know. Just go. I'll handle this."

I put the phone back to my ear. After this, I'll have to have a nice long talk with Sai.
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...I should've gotten shot instead. He doesn't deserve to have his only chance to be normal stripped away. I bet he hates me now...

I feel a dark emptiness consuming me. "I'm so tired..." I murmur.

of everything.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(( Sai is curled up in a ball on the floor ))
"So..." I try to think of a way to break the silence. "Oh! I'm not sure if Sai told you, Gio. We kept one of Mitch's agents in the basement of your house, and he... uh... broke all of your video games."
"It's fine. Anything to help someone who opposes Mitch, I guess." I cover the mouthpiece of the phone and start to shake Jean harder. "Jean-sama, wake up!"
"Yeah, that's fine. Bye." I hand up, and shove my phone in my pocket. Giving up with shaking Jean, I splash Jean 's ace with a miniature water ball, one not big enough to actually hurt.
"Mitch is the name of Jean's..." I notice Gio. "...dad..."

"...Um...One of his guys used your video games as a step ladder... He shattered most of them... if not all of them..."