[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I put my office phone back on its station then quickly stand up and walk to the medical department. I bet she's there right now... with him... I push my way through and pause outside Blaze's door, taking a deep breath to compose myself.

I open the door.
"Hm... I think it was like... Pig Fuss or something...? OH! Cygnus. That's it."
I laugh. "I never knew Jean's dad had a name... it's weird how we all just called him Jean's dad."
"Yeah, hehe... I just recently caught on, after hearing the name enough."
I stand up slowly. "Excuse me. I have to go shank a *****."

I don't look up as the door opens. I— I'm a piece of trash... I shouldn't have done this...
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"Uh, oh. I guess he really likes his games..." I turn to Sage. "Anywhere else you wanna show me?"
I walk in slowly. I take a deep breath. Oh, god... I've never had to yell at anyone before... or be mad at them... I choose my words carefully and slowly say, "Sai, you betrayed my trust."

- - - Post Merge - - -

I look down at the table. "I don't know."
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"Kill me..." I whisper. "I— I ruined his life... He could've been normal..." I curl up into a tighter ball. Tears flow freely.
I walk up to Sai. Wow... this had a huge impact on her... I reassuringly touch her shoulder. "I-it's... okay... We can just try to get him out before he wakes up." I sigh. "Just don't try to pull a stunt like that again... I hate having to yell at people."
"Is something wrong?" I ask, noticing her look down.